Chapter 5 - Veena

Start from the beginning

He tightens his hold on my legs and forces more of himself into me, his purr morphing to a growl. When he shifts back and slides his tip to just inside my entrance, I squeal and rip at his shirt, slick squelching and insides throbbing as the ridge behind his head seems to grow.

Again and again, he invades me, stealing my sanity and turning me into a writhing pile of pain and need. With every snap of his hips, he sinks further and further, the thickened portions of his cock stroking every sensitive organ within my abdomen.

My womb craves his release, but when he crams another inch into my body, I scream and aim my nails toward his face, too far gone to limit my reactions.

He lets me scratch his temples and cheeks, ignoring my outburst and stuffing the rest of himself into me. My folds mash against warm scales as he grunts his pleasure, his fingers sinking into my hips as he grinds his cock as deep as he can force himself.

White-hot agony steals my vision and turns me to stone. Pleasure more horrible than anything I've ever experienced rips through my entire body as I suffer his full attentions.

His knot expands, rearranging my insides and compressing the extremely sensitive spot he tortured earlier.

Too overwhelmed to handle the additional sharp, stabbing pain in my womb and my body's resulting orgasm, my brain detaches itself from reality. It floats up into the corner of the room and looks down at us, mesmerized by the brutal sensuality on display.

The alpha encompasses and invades the omega with totalitarian rule, leaving her with no choice but to accept his gigantic cock. Even clothed, the bulge of her belly is obvious.

And deep, deep down, she loves every second. She writhes and slicks and begs for more of his mastery while he claims every centimeter of her womanhood. The tip of his cock penetrates the soft, fleshy barrier of her cervix, giving his seed direct access to her womb.

He knots her twice in the same instant, one against her G-spot and the other within her sacred womb. The scales around the head of his cock shift and expand, using the black connective flesh to create an umbrella and sealing her cervix shut.

It hurts so badly the omega hovers on the edge of unconsciousness—her stuttered breathing and sweat-drenched brow show clear signs of her labor. If it weren't for the glaze of lust in her eyes and her moans of pleasure, she'd look to be on the verge of vomiting.

The brute lifts a hand and caresses her flushed cheek with an infinitely gentle thumb, pleasure written all over his face as he releases his seed deep within his omega's tight little body, his back hunched and muscles locked. Pain and concern etch creases beside his eyes, and he nuzzles the top of her head before he slowly contorts his body so his lips rest on her throat.

Skimming the delicate column of flesh, he shushes her as she whimpers, his words almost imperceptible through his purr.

"My perfect, delicious Veena."

With a painful snap, my mind hits reality, slamming back into my skull as sharp teeth penetrate flesh and muscle, his bite sinking into the juncture of my shoulder and neck. My mouth opens on a silent scream as blissful misery ravages my soul.

My alpha's masculine strength flows into my heart, my strained organ accepting the glowing string of our half-formed bond with glee. His presence permeates through my chest, infecting the organs previously left untouched by his invasion.

Even though we're veritable strangers, a connection so profound I wonder how I ever survived without it forms between us.

I see his heart. Just a sliver of his soul, but I sense his need to protect. To own. To serve.

To love and be loved.

I mourn the extraction of his teeth. He groans when I shiver, the massive cock lodged inside my body sending me into a fit of pleasure pain as he licks my savaged shoulder.

Thick digits slide into my hair and guide my head forward. His knots shift again, forcing my body into another frenzy of orgasms as he presses my lips against his pectoral.

My mouth opens despite my mind crying in disbelief. When the Enforcers attacked my clan and stole me away, all hopes of ever finding a mate crumbled to dust, yet here I am, tying myself to the humongous beast who both tortures and treasures my body.

I wince as my lips glide against his hard scales, dread building in my chest.

What if I can't bite through his natural armor?

I can't. I clench my jaw but make no progress. A weird sound leaks from my chest, somewhere between a whine and whimper.

A tug on my hair lifts my head away. I watch in horror as he takes a scale between his fingertips and rips it off his body. Bile rises in my throat as he tears another gleaming scale from his skin, revealing orange flesh before crimson trickles from underneath.

Three more times he maims himself before I capture his bloody index finger, stopping its descent. Appalled and saddened and yet moved beyond words, I meet his eyes and beg for him to understand things I'm not sure I understand myself.

His expression softens, the lines disappearing from beside his eyes and his jaw unclenching.

A tear escapes my lashes.

Startled at the warm drop as it trails down my face, I lean forward and sink my teeth into the patch of unprotected flesh.

Beaten, tortured, and denied everything except basic living requirements for the past two years, I built up oceans of tears within my soul. I haven't allowed myself to release the pressure, too afraid of being unable to put myself back together.

I cry now. I sob and weep, mourning my losses even as I celebrate the wondrous joining of my soul with this massive stranger.

How different would my life be if he had been there when the Enforcers raided my clan?

Stretched beyond endurance, I give way to the emotions spilling from my heart, anguish and joy and so much more rushing from me in an uncontrollable wave.

The tirade doesn't last long, the delectable notes of sweetness in his blood calming my nerves as I swallow a few mouthfuls.

I pull back and swipe my tongue over the patch of vulnerable flesh, licking the surrounding scales as well. He groans and shivers, wrecking my insides with every movement.

Dropping from the incredible high of claiming my lifemate, my eyelids grow so heavy I can't keep them raised. I rest my cheek against his hard chest and slip into darkness.

There are too many questions and worries for me to fall into a peaceful sleep, but my body requires rest. With my insides stretched around his cock and my soul bracketed by his strength, I float in the inky void of slumber, blocked from resurfacing even when my cocoon of alpha moves and shifts around and in me.

It's in this dull, buffered state that I sense the wrongness running through my veins. It floats in a sort of suspended state, lurking in my blood as though waiting for the perfect moment to show itself. Dormant and untraceable, it seems to dissipate as I rise out of sleep. The closer I get to reality, the less I sense it, until my eyes slide open and I can't remember why I'm so unsettled.

The cock buried within my womb twitches and annihilates whatever thoughts I try to form. I jerk awake with a gasp, my entire body shaking through aftershocks of pleasure.  

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