Chapter 17

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QUEEN JENNA LOOKED UP AS TORIN BURST INTO THE DINING HALL. She frowned. He looked terrible. There were dark circles beneath his usually bright eyes. Right now they had a wild determined look in them. His golden hair was ruffled and sticking up in all directions. He pulled out a chair and practically collapsed down into it.

"Torin, are you all right? Did you sleep last night?" she asked.

Torin waved her concerns away. "I'm fine." He reached into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper. He slammed it down on the table in front of her.

Jenna raised her eyebrows at the rather unremarkable piece of paper. "Yes, Torin? I can see you have something to say."

Torin pointed at the paper. "Look at it. Can you see anything strange?"

Jenna eyed the paper. "Not especially. Am I supposed to?"

"The corner is burnt away. Can you see that?"


Torin took a deep breath as if trying to control himself. "I found that on Jaydar's desk. A burnt piece of paper." He paused, waiting for Jenna's reaction but when he didn't get one he continued. "And that's not all. I found his pillow was burnt too. The whole room smelt like ash."

"You searched Jaydar's room? Torin," Jenna said, giving him a look. 

"With good reason! Jaydar's been disappearing in the night. I tried to follow him but he got away!" Torin tried to justify, exasperated with his mother's lack of interest.

Jenna put a hand on Torin's arm. "Torin, are you sure you're feeling all right?"

Torin felt the blood rush to his cheeks. "Yes, I'm all right. Jaydar's the one with something the matter!" He took another deep breath, trying to calm down. "He won't tell me anything. I was hoping you could talk to him. He might tell you."

Jenna smiled gently. "Jaydar has been through a very traumatic experience. He's going to be a bit strange for a while. Just give him time, he'll get better."

"No!" Torin slammed his hand on the table. "It's more than that. There is something seriously wrong with Jaydar. I think the Erifs may have done something to him."

"They did. They nearly killed him," Jenna said, not meeting Torin's eyes. Of course she knew what was wrong with Jaydar. He was half Erif. But she wasn't sure if she should tell Torin. She thought it best to leave that to Jaydar when he was ready.

Torin let out a frustrated breath. "Mother, please just listen to me."

"No, Torin. You listen to me. Just let it go. Leave Jaydar alone. You focus on the war council." Jenna glanced up at the clock. "It's due to start in a few hours."

Torin was silent.

"You are going to be there, aren't you? Your father is depending on you."

"Of course."

Jaydar entered the room. "I will be attending also, mother."

Jenna noticed the smile on her son's face, the first she'd seen since he had come back, and beamed. 

Torin struggled not to glare. "How are you this morning, Jaydar?"

Jaydar took a seat opposite Torin. "Fine, all things considered. Such as your midnight visit."

"And what about your night strolls? Don't they tire you?" Torin countered.

Jaydar didn't reply. His eyes had fallen on the piece of paper on the table.

Rise of the Erifs (The Fire Song Chronicles Book 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora