Chapter 2

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JAYDAR REACHED THE TOP OF THE STAIRS. There was only one circular room at the top of the tower. He threw the door open and burst into the room. There he saw Kalani and the Pathguard backed up against the far wall. Kalani was glancing out the window looking for an escape, the tube still clutched tightly in one hand and her sword in the other. The Pathguard was staring wide eyed at the two Erifs facing them, his sword quivering slightly as he held it out in front of him in an attempt to defend them.

The closest Erif turned. He thrust his hand forward, a torrent of fire pouring forth aimed straight at Jaydar. Jaydar reacted instantly. He ducked under the flames and thrust his sword forward skimming the Erif's leg. He dived to the side as another blast of flames rushed towards him. Jaydar thrust forward again with his sword but the Erif sidestepped.

Kalani watched in horror as the curtains caught alight. She turned back as she felt Kaynan, the Pathguard, back right into her. The Erif stood no more than a metre from them. He raised his hand ready to send the flames soaring towards them.

Kalani held up the tube. "You want this, don't you?"

The Erif hesitated. Kalani smiled, seeing the Erif's violet eyes staring at the tube uncertainly. Kalani slowly twisted the top off. She was curious to see what was inside. What the Erifs had risked so much to obtain. Reaching in she pulled out a long rolled up piece of paper about the size of a poster. Kalani had no idea what it was, only that it was stolen from the Science Academy.

Without warning the Erif surged forward. He knocked Kaynan aside with one sweep of his hand before the boy could even react and he was thrown to the ground. Kaynan screamed at the searing burn of the Erif's hand.

Kalani saw him coming and leapt out of the way just in time, the Erif's flames missing her by inches. She screamed as the Erif roared and charged after her.

Half the room was on fire. Flames raced along the floor and up the curtains, casting a red glow about the room.

Jaydar swung out with his sword but the Erif blocked. The Erif stepped in closer and swept his sword at Jaydar who jumped back. As he fought, Jaydar felt a slight tingling sensation on his scalp but he ignored it. Jaydar glanced over his shoulder to see the Erif had backed him up against the fire. He felt the raging heat against his back, the flames licking at his legs. And that split second when Jaydar's attention was diverted was all the Erif needed. The Erif swung around and smashed his round shield into Jaydar with all the force he could summon. The sword was knocked from Jaydar's hand and he was thrown backwards off his feet.

Straight into the fire.

Jaydar fell into the fire, landing amongst the burning carpet, curtains and furniture with a crash. His head hit the ground. He lay there for a moment dazed. Dimly he waited for the searing excruciating pain. For death to engulf him but it never came. Jaydar pushed himself into an upright position to see he was sitting in the flames. But all he felt was a slight warmth on his skin. He stood up to see the Erif staring at him with a mixture of shock and wonder. The Erif stepped into the flames. He grabbed Jaydar by the arm. The heat burnt straight through his armour but Jaydar's skin underneath was untouched. The Erif looked back to Jaydar's face and his eyes hardened.

Jaydar quickly took advantage of the situation, taking a dagger from his belt and ramming it into the Erif. Jaydar wrenched his knife out and stepped back, out of the flames, as the Erif crumpled to the ground.

Shocked and confused Jaydar stood frozen for a moment, staring at the body of the Erif. Then in wonder he looked at his reflection in the blade of the dagger. What he saw made his blood run cold. Instead of the expected burn marks, there was nothing. And his eyes. They glowed a bright violet. He suddenly became aware of a hot tingling sensation on his scalp.

Jaydar was wrenched back to reality by a sharp cry of pain. He looked up to see Kaynan on the ground, his uniform and armour burnt away revealing a blistering wound to his torso.

Jaydar watched in horror as the Erif lunged at Kalani. She jumped out of the way and with a flick of her wrist she threw the papers into the fire. They caught alight and within seconds were burnt to ashes. The Erif shouted in despair and anger as the papers disintegrated. He turned to Kalani, a murderous look in his eyes.

Jaydar drew his arm back and in one fluid motion threw his knife at the Erif. The knife buried straight into the Erif's back. Jaydar grabbed the end and wrenched it out. The Erif fell to the ground and burst into ashes. The ashes swirled around the room before being consumed by the fire.

Kalani ran to Jaydar and he wrapped his arms around her.

"Are you all right?" he said. "He didn't hurt you?"

Kalani shook her head. "No. But Kaynan."

Jaydar hurried over to Kaynan. He crouched beside the boy. Kaynan's face was contorted with pain and fear. Jaydar did a quick inspection of the wound. It looked like it was just a burn, the Erif hadn't actually stabbed him with anything. The wound was painful but not immediately life threatening. Jaydar hoped anyway.

Kaynan's eyes met Jaydar's. "I'm all right."

Jaydar smiled. "Of course you are, soldier."

Kalani wiped a layer of sweat from her forehead. "Jaydar, we have to get out of here now before we all burn to death."

Jaydar hadn't even noticed the heat but he nodded. He went to grab Kaynan but found he couldn't move his left arm. Jaydar saw his black armour was warped and twisted by the heat, locking his arm in place. With Kalani's help he hurriedly ripped it off leaving only the bottom half of his armour, which was also damaged but he doubted he'd be able to take it off here, he'd probably have to get the blacksmith to saw it off.

Jaydar knew he couldn't carry both Kaynan and the shield. He had lost the sword back in the raging inferno. He glanced at Kalani.

"Can you carry the shield?"

Kalani tried and found that she could just about manage. At least they could use it for protection if needed.

Jaydar led the way out. Once they were out on the stairwell Kalani shut the door on the inferno behind them. They slowly made their way down. As they neared the base of the stairs the sounds of battle reached their ears. Jaydar stopped. He put Kaynan down on one of the steps and instructed Kalani to stay beside him with the shield protecting them both. But that left Jaydar in a tight spot. No armour, no sword and no shield. All he had was his two fighting knives.

Jaydar slowly made his way down hugging the wall, the cold rough stone scrapping against his skin. He peered around the corner to see Torin and a girl warrior fighting back to back.

"Daye," Jaydar breathed, simultaneously feeling a rush of relief and worry at the sight of her.

Jaydar watched Daye as she wielded her two battle-axes with ease, her curly long blonde hair soaked with sweat and her eyes blazing. Daye cried out as the Erif's knife skimmed her arm. Without hesitation Jaydar's arm whipped forward and his knife whizzed through the air before burying itself in the Erif's back.

Daye saw Jaydar. She smiled and nodded her thanks.

But Jaydar wasn't looking at her. Crimson was staring at him, her violet eyes boring into him. At the sight of him she knew her men had failed to retrieve the papers. She flicked her wrist and sent her own knife soaring towards him. Jaydar stepped back just in time. The knife ricocheted off the stone wall with a crack.

When Jaydar stepped back he saw she was gone.

Rise of the Erifs (The Fire Song Chronicles Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon