Chapter 24

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KALANI BREATHED DEEP AND PREPARED TO RELEASE HER ARROW. She tried to control her building rage. Avian was sent here to kill her brother. Kalani was barely holding it together. She was aiming for Avian. She was about to release the arrow.

"Kalani, no!"

Kalani was thrown off as someone crashed into her and the arrow went wild. It whipped through the trees to the right of Avian. Kalani cursed under her breath. She angrily spun around to see Torin. 

"What did you do that for?! I almost had her!" Kalani shouted, pushing him hard in the chest.

"I need to talk to Avian!" Torin pushed Kalani aside. He ran through the forest, branches whipping him in the face and arms.

"What is wrong with him? Has he completely missed everything that just happened?!" Kalani shouted.

Alex shrugged and spread his hands. "How am I supposed to know?"

Torin ran as fast as he could. He could hear their feet pounding just ahead of him.

"Avian!" he called but received no answer.

Torin put on a burst of speed, he had to find out what was going on. He had to find out what this letter was. He just had to. Torin reached the Pathway entrance to find it wide open. He ran through into the darkness. He almost stumbled on the steps but kept going. He reached the top and raced into the chamber but found it was empty. Torin stopped and stared at the glittering doors of the Pathway. He bent over with his hands on his knees breathing deeply.

Torin hammered the ground with his fist in frustration. He was too late.

Torin gave the Pathway one last frustrated look before walking back down the passageway. He emerged into the clearing to find everyone gathered around waiting for him. He looked at their questioning expressions.

Finally Kalani stepped forward. "What was that?" 

Torin sat down on the ground. "What?"

Kalani opened her mouth to reply but Aurora beat her to it. 

"Where were you during the fight?"

"I happened to have been knocked out!" Torin said, defensively.

"I wasn't accusing you, I was just asking," Aurora said, gesturing for Torin to calm down. 

"Everyone let's back up a second!" Alex held up his hands. "Is everyone as confused about what just happened as I am?"

"Avian." Kalani turned to stare at Torin. "She tricked us. She was working for the Erifs all along."

Aurora glanced at Alex who nodded, a silent message in his eyes. We were right.

Kalani quickly explained all she had overheard. She turned to Torin.

"So why did you have to talk to Avian?"

Torin reached into his pocket and drew out a folded piece of paper.

"Because of this." 

"What's that?" Daye said.

"This is a letter from Avian and I think you should read it." Torin held the letter out for Daye but before she could take it Kalani snatched it from his hand and began reading aloud.

Dear Torin

As you will later discover I'm not who you think I am, but I ask you to please not judge me. I am grateful for all you and the others have done for me but now I must go. I am putting you all in danger.

Rise of the Erifs (The Fire Song Chronicles Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ