Chapter 14

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TORIN SAT WITH HIS BACK PRESSED AGAINST THE COLD STONE WALL. He was in the deep shadows of the corridor, in the gap between the flickering torches. Torin had already spent half the night there, watching Jaydar's room. Waiting. After the last two days Torin knew there was something seriously wrong with Jaydar. This was not the Jaydar Torin had grown up with. So he was now determined to find out what was going on. Especially before the war council, which was due to take place at noon the next day. Guests had already began arriving earlier that day.

Torin yawned and rubbed his neck. 

An hour later and Torin's morale was starting to rapidly fade. Maybe he was overthinking everything, maybe Jaydar was just angry and bitter over his mission failure. Maybe Torin was jumping to conclusions. Again.

Torin was just about ready to give up and go to bed when he heard a creak. He froze. Hardly daring to breath. Slowly the door to Jaydar's room opened and he stood in the doorway. Torin waited. Hoping Jaydar wouldn't see him.

Jaydar emerged from his room. He quietly closed the door behind him, the hinges creaking slightly and he winced. But when nothing stirred he hurried away up the corridor, walking lightly so his boots barely made a whisper.

Torin hesitated a few seconds. He was torn between following Jaydar to see where he went and searching his room. As soon as he took the first step his mind was made up. Torin hurried down the corridor so not to lose sight of Jaydar. Torin cursed under his breath as his boots made more noise than he would have liked, echoing around the stones. He tried walking on his tiptoe and that seemed to help a little but he found it too painful, quickly discarding the idea. Torin could see his brother just up ahead but Jaydar didn't seemed to have noticed him.

Jaydar was walking so briskly, he was almost running. The fire in the torches dancing around erratically as he stormed by. Torin could see there was purpose to his step. He knew where he was going. Not just taking a night walk because he couldn't sleep.

After following Jaydar for half an hour Torin felt like he was taking him around in circles. At that moment a small seed of doubt began to bloom in his mind. A nest of eels began churning in his stomach. Torin suddenly wondered if Jaydar knew he was following him and was actually leading him in circles deliberately.

As Torin had the thought he rounded a corner only to find Jaydar had vanished. Torin stopped in shock. In this stretch of corridor there were no doors, no rooms for him to disappear into. Torin ran the length of the hall, checking the shadows but he wasn't there. He hurried to the other end and stared down the next length of hall. Jaydar wasn't there either. Torin shook his head in disbelief as he walked back, wondering furiously where his brother could have gone. He didn't just evaporate into thin air. That's when he noticed one of the windows were slightly ajar.

Torin raced over to the window, pushing it completely open. He leaned out, checking the architraves on either side. But still no Jaydar. Torin glanced down. From this level it was a twenty metre drop. There was no way he could have jumped or climbed down. Could he?

Confused and puzzled, Torin made his way back to Jaydar's room. He was curious to see if Jaydar had somehow managed to get back without passing him. Torin stopped at his door. He raised his hand and knocked quietly.

"Jaydar," he whispered through the wood.

No answer.

Torin tried the handle and the door swung open. Torin swallowed hard. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Yet again.

He peered inside only to find the room was pitch black. Torin grabbed one of the torches from the wall and walked inside. A quick glance told him Jaydar wasn't there. Torin stood in the centre of the room for a moment, unsure. Not entirely certain what he was looking for or hoping to find he moved to Jaydar's desk.

Torin began riffling through the papers there. But found nothing of interest. There was only a few blank sheafs of paper and one filled with ink blotches. Torin angrily pushed them aside. As he did so he noticed something strange. On the bottom right hand corner of the paper was a black mark. Torin lifted it closer to the torch to get a better look. He frowned. The whole corner was blackened and burnt away. 

Not exactly sure what it meant Torin folded the paper and put it in his pocket. He went over to the bed, thinking Jaydar may have hidden something under the mattress. As he crouched to stick his hand under Torin saw a blackened area on the pillow. Torin swallowed hard. He reached for it and lifted it to his face, taking a deep breath through his nose.


The pillow had been burnt. Torin shook his head. He had no idea what to think.

"What are you doing?!"

Torin jumped, glancing over his shoulder to see Jaydar.

Jaydar stormed up to him. "What do you think you are doing?"

Still holding the pillow Torin stammered for an excuse. " was...ah..."

"Were you smelling my pillow?"

"No." Torin felt his face redden.

Jaydar snatched the pillow from Torin's hands. "Have you lost your mind, Torin?! This is the second time I've caught you in my room in the middle of the night. Do you mind telling me what's going on?"

Torin pointed at Jaydar's pillow. "You tell me. What's that on your pillow?"

Jaydar glanced at the pillow. "I don't know what you're talking about. Now tell me what you're doing here?"

"What's the black stuff?" Torin asked, ignoring Jaydar's question.

Jaydar threw the pillow down on the bed. "You know what? Forget it. Just get out."

Torin stared at Jaydar not moving. "What is wrong with you, Jaydar? Seriously what is going on?"

"Get out."

"We hardly see you anymore. You won't let anyone in. Jaydar, we used to be best friends. You can tell me. Whatever it is. I can help you," Torin said.

Jaydar was silent.

"Jaydar you're my brother. Please."

Jaydar looked away, already feeling the tingling sensation on his scalp. "You'd never understand."

"Try me."

"No. Just go. Leave me in peace."


"I said get out!"

Torin went to speak but stopped. Jaydar turned his back on him, completely ending the conversation. Torin hesitated for a second, tempted to try talking to Jaydar again but then decided against it.

Torin paused in the doorway. "Just remember Jaydar, I'm your brother. I'm here for you when you need me."

Jaydar didn't reply.

Torin left, quietly closing the door behind him. As he walked away the paper in his shirt felt like it was going to burn a hole through his pocket. It left Torin feeling even more determined to find out what was wrong with his brother.

Rise of the Erifs (The Fire Song Chronicles Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن