Chapter 13

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TORIN FOUND JAYDAR IN THE PALACE ARMOURY. HE HELD A SWORD IN HIS right hand, turning it from side to side inspecting the blade, the light glinting off it beautifully.

"Can you use that thing?" Torin said, jokingly.

Jaydar twirled the sword in the air. "Why don't you pick one up yourself and find out?"

Torin sensed the challenge. He walked over and selected a sword, the same one he used every time. As straight and well balanced as an arrow.

He swept a few experimental strokes and once satisfied he reached for his shield.

"Let's make this a little more interesting shall we?" Jaydar said.

"I'm listening."

"No shields."

Torin stared at him in surprise. "Any particular reason why not?"

Jaydar shrugged. "Just for a change, and besides we won't always have a shield in a fight, will we?"


"So, what do you say?"

"Why not?' Torin grinned.

They took their positions opposite one another. Swords ready. They faced off, neither moving. They watched. Each waiting for the other to make the first move.

Finally Jaydar lunged forward. It was so sudden. Sharp. He leapt forward with the speed of a cobra going in for the deadly strike. Torin was ready for him. He stepped back, letting Jaydar's sword skim harmlessly by. Torin pivoted and crashed his sword onto Jaydar's shoulder. Jaydar's cry of pain quickly turned into one of rage. He spun around and ran at Torin once again. Their swords crashed together like a clap of thunder. Steel on steel. The swords scraped against each other, screeching and hissing. The brothers glared across them, each pushing hard, trying to throw the other off balance.

Torin brought his foot up and kicked out at Jaydar. His leg hit him in the knee. Jaydar cried out and fell back but was up almost instantly. His sword swung at Torin who only just managed to duck out of its way. It missed him by a hair's breath. Torin was forced back as the sword came at him again and again. He jumped to the side and it whizzed past. Torin felt the sweat drip down the side of his face. He tightened the grip on his sword and prepared to meet Jaydar's. Torin deflected the blow. He pushed forward with his own attack. He hacked and slashed at Jaydar, forcing him on the defence.

Jaydar kicked out and caught him in the exact same place Torin had kicked him earlier. Torin felt his knee buckle and he crashed to the ground. He sprung up instantly but Jaydar's foot hit him in the arm knocking his sword away. Torin watched in dismay as it skidded out of reach. Jaydar pressed his foot down hard on Torin's chest. He brought the sword around but Torin grabbed his leg with both hands and tipped him over. He scrambled to his feet.

Jaydar crashed into Torin like a ton of bricks. They both fell back. Torin felt the wind knocked out of him as he hit the ground. Jaydar was reaching for his sword when Torin threw him off.

"Enough!" Torin shouted. He had been unnerved by his brother's brutality. Jaydar had gone in for the kill and nothing was going to get in his way.

Jaydar stopped. He stood up and put his sword down on the table. His head was almost on fire. He could barely contain it. He feared his hair would explode into their flames at any moment. He watched Torin's face and when his expression didn't turn to one of horror he relaxed.

"Still think you can beat me?" Jaydar said.

Torin didn't reply right away. Jaydar's voice had been so challenging, so harsh. Sharp like a razor's edge waiting to cut him into a million pieces. Torin replayed their fight in his mind. He frowned. Could Jaydar be taller? Just slightly? Torin was sure his reach had been longer when they'd been fighting. No. That couldn't be. Don't be ridiculous, Torin thought, I'm going crazy. And he pushed the thought aside.

Jaydar was clenching his fists, willing himself to calm down. His teeth were clenched as tightly as his fists and he hoped that his eyes weren't giving him away. He breathed deeply.

"Yes," Torin said, finally.

"You want to go again?" Jaydar said, reaching for the sword again. He snarled at Torin, like an animal before it pounced on its prey.

Torin swallowed hard. He had no idea what had gotten into his brother, the one person whom he had always been able to count on to watch his back. Now he seemed to want to stab him in the back instead.

"Well?" Jaydar demanded.  

"Are you feeling all right?" Torin said. He retrieved his sword and held it non-challengingly at his side.

The anger and irritation was evident in Jaydar's face as the last word left Torin's mouth. Torin almost cringed.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that stupid question?!" Jaydar shouted.

Torin went to answer but Jaydar ploughed right through.

"Am I not allowed to get angry? Is it a criminal offense? Against the law to get angry?!"

"Jaydar, I didn't –"

"Of course you didn't. That's what you always say!" Jaydar stormed up to Torin. "Really? You really did not mean it?"

Torin shook his head. He put his sword back on the table and walked away. He turned his back on Jaydar and his mad ravings and left.

"Don't you turn your back on me, brother!"

Torin stopped in his tracks. Jaydar had practically spat the last word out. Torin had never heard him say that word with such bitterness. He shook his head and kept going.

Jaydar threw his sword on the ground in anger and it struck the ground with a clang. He let out a roar of pure fury. He grabbed the table of weapons and heaved it over. It fell to the ground with a crash, all the weapons smashing together with a metallic crack. He then kicked out at it, over turning it again so it lay flat on its top.

"Are you afraid of me, Torin?! Is that it?! Is that why you won't fight me?!" Jaydar roared.

Torin just kept walking. He felt no anger, only sadness.

Rise of the Erifs (The Fire Song Chronicles Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora