Y/n have begun to look pale and weak.

The h/c-haired woman met Eleanor's eyes. She's been wondering as to why Eleanor has been staring at her with longing in her blue eyes. "Let's go, Leticia." Sota spoke.

Y/n's eyes linger on Eleanor even as they make their way out of Hina's home.

The room went silent after Y/n left with Sota and her daughter.

"Eleanor...are you okay?"

Hiro approached the young princess. Eleanor looked at him with teary eyes.

"Hiro, do you know...how they met?"

The young boy was confused at first as to what Eleanor meant by her question. But then he got an idea of what Eleanor could be talking about. "Yes...if you're talking about....uncle Sota and auntie Leticia..."


Sir Levi let out a frustrated sigh.

He looked at his knights.

All of them have been going around places, looking for the young princess.

"Sir Levi."

Levi looked at Mikasa who just arrived with her squad. The raven-haired lady shook her head, looking gloomy as usual, but gloomier this time since even they weren't able to find where Eleanor is.

"His majesty is close to flipping this village just to look for her highness." Levi said.

"What happened anyways? Why did the princess run away?" Mikasa asked.

The raven-haired man let out another sigh.

It's dawn already.

They haven't had proper sleep or meals.

The emperor didn't want anyone resting unless the princess is to be found.

"I don't exactly know what happened. But I heard from the princess Keiko's' servants that the emperor and her highness had a fight. It seems princess Eleanor..."

Levi wasn't able to continue what he was saying when he sighted the emperor approaching.

Everyone immediately bowed upon the emperor's arrival.

Sir Levi cussed under his breath upon noticing the unpleasant mood of Erwin.

"How many hours have you been searching yet you couldn't find my daughter?"

No one spoke.

Because if someone does, the emperor will only get even more mad.

"Your majesty..."

Levi's eyes landed on the next person to arrive. Princess Keiko held Erwin's arm trying to calm him down.

The raven-haired man kept a stoic look on his face as he looked at the emperor.

Erwin...the reason why you made that decision...

"You should let them rest for now, your majesty. No one will be able to work in a proper state if they are tired. You as well."

Erwin looked at the Hizuru princess.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming himself down.

Levi remained quiet while watching the emperor seek comfort from the Hizuru princess. The reason was because you see her majesty in her...He clenched his fists and looked down at the ground. Erwin.

Your decisions, I never doubted them.

But this...I think you're wrong for this.

"Sir Levi."

Thy Empress (Erwin Smith x FEM! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now