Chapter 31

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Chapter 31


Looking around the courtroom, I'm not sure what is more surprising to these people that Dad has a bastard kid, or that it was kept quiet this long. I think I'm going with the latter. The kid doesn't surprise me, actually I'm surprised there aren't more than one!

Thinking about this little surprise, why isn't Dad's attorney objecting to this? You would think he would want to deny it. And that's what holds my attention. He's not denying this. No guilty conscience. No regrets.


For the first time, I feel nothing for my dad. No shock, no disappointment, no anger or sadness, just nothing. I'm not surprised, I'm not angry about it. It's like I've known my entire life that he favored someone else. It just explains everything I knew.

Looking over at Dad, he doesn't even look my direction. That doesn't surprise me either. I've always been a disappointment to him. That hasn't bothered me in years. There's nothing he can do to hurt me anymore. Whatever I once felt for the man is gone. I don't care about him or his illegitimate kid. He means nothing to me.

"Order!!" The judge yells, quieting down the crowd. "Mr. Woods, I expect proof of this revelation."

"Yes, sir." Going back to his desk, the prosecutor takes two pieces of paper, dropping one on the defendant's desk and the other to the judge. "As you can see, we had a DNA test done on some glass from a broken window. The window was broken at the home Blake Bradford owns in the Caribbean. Mr. Wassi was there when Mr. Tateman was recently there with his friends."

"Relevance, your honor!"

"I'm getting there. As you can see from the test results, Adam Bradford is Mackenzie Wassi's father. His mother is Kara Wassi, Mr. Bradford's mistress, who up until a few weeks ago, lived at the Bradford's mansion in Florida. Georgia Bradford and Blake Bradford evicted her and her son when they discovered them in the home uninvited. The house in question is legally owned by Georgia Bradford, who was unaware that Mr. Bradford had allowed the woman to take up residence there." Again, he passed more documents to the defense team and the judge.

"Are you implying that this Mac Wassi has something to do with Mr. Bradford's case?" The judge has to have a good idea that he does.

"Yes. And Mr. Tateman can explain." Nodding once to Roan, he turned back to his questioning. "Mr. Tateman, when did you first become acquainted with Mr. Wassi?"

"Yeah, uh that's a long story. I'm not going to get charged for anything I say, right?" Roan, of course, is looking out for himself. Who knows what he got involved in with Dad.

"We haven't and won't be pressing any charges against you for your testimony. Please continue."

Roan looks at his parents and drops his chin to his chest. He should feel guilty about what he's done. I know firsthand that Roan got in with the wrong crowd. Not that I could have said anything to change his mind about it. He hates me. And that has me wondering why he is suddenly interested in putting Dad behind bars.

Dad has already proven that he has a long reach beyond his cell. He managed to attack Colby and Roan, kidnap Riley and put all of us on eggshells while he waited behind bars. And yet, Roan has decided to do the right thing.

Why don't I trust this?

"Mac is a dealer. Mainly light stuff but occasionally he handles the hard stuff when he gets some cash from his father to stock it. Adam funds the drugs that Mac sells." Roan glances at the defense table and makes eye contact with Dad.

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