Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


When we walked into the kitchen and found Colby, I swear, I thought she was dead. The glazed look in her eyes, all the blood on her, God, there's so much blood. I thought for a minute there we lost her too.

Riley gripped my arm so tight, I know she thought the same thing. As soon as we saw Colby's hand shaking, we knew she was okay. Or at least not dead. The girls hover around her, fussing and crying as they spoke quietly to her. What the hell happened in here?

"Oh my God! Colby!" Hunter ran to her with Em and Riley. Kneeling around her and gently touching her face and arms.

"Are you hurt? Is this your blood?" Cautiously, the girls began to run their hands over Colby looking for injuries, trying to figure out where the blood came from. Their voices soothed, keeping Colby focused on them and bringing her back from her fear.

"Colby, what happened?" Em holds her best friend's face trying to get an answer. Colby shakes her head as tears flood her eyes and stream down her face.

"She's in shock." Riley looks up at me. She knows this feeling. She was in shock not long ago when my father killed her dad. She was lost to us for a while too. Riley did what she could to help, grabbing dish towels and wetting them down to see how injured Colby is.

"There's a first aid kit upstairs." Sawyer whispers to me. Nodding to him, I think it will be easier on Colby if the girls help her with this. I know how we can get more angry over what's happened and less sympathetic to what Colby needs. She needs care, just like Riley did when her dad passed. Grandma knew what to do for her. I wish she was here now.

"Get her upstairs and out of those clothes, Hunter. Help her wash up. And don't leave her! No one goes off alone!" I don't know what happened, but I'm going to find out. After I call for help. I'm not doing this alone this time.

"I'll go with them." Wyatt offers, getting the knife out of Colby's hand. "Come on, Colby. Let's get you cleaned up."

The girls and Wyatt get Colby slowly to her feet and taking her weight as they walk out, the girls take charge and give Wyatt his orders.

"Wyatt, get the first aid kit. It's in the hall bathroom, second door on the right." Hunter tells him. "Come on, Colby, a nice hot bath for you."

"Don't let them go off alone. Wyatt, we have a lot to figure out." I warn him quietly, not wanting to upset the girls more than they are. "We don't know who did this. They could still be here."

Wyatt gives me a decisive nod and follows the girls out. Watching them leave, I wait until they are out of the room before I look at Sawyer and Harper, their eyes are huge, staring at the doorway. This has scared all of us.

Tossing the knife into the sink, I see Ash checking the door. It's locked, dead bolted from the inside. He wanders around the kitchen checking each window. He has the right idea. We need to find out who got in here, and how they got in. We need to figure out who would want to hurt and freaked out Colby.

She's one of the sweetest people I know. Colby has never even said a bad thing to anyone. And believe me, she's been used and treated like crap plenty. Colby just isn't that way. Not a mean bone in her body. Whoever did this, wanted to intentionally hurt her, or anyone they could. Why?

"Harper, you and Landon go upstairs, check every window, the balconies, any place someone can get in or hide. Let's figure this out." Sending them on their way, Sawyer and follow Ash's lead, and room by room, start searching for clues.

Sliding into Home - The Bradford Series Book Two Where stories live. Discover now