Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


I need a break from everyone for a while. I don't feel like myself. I haven't since we boarded the plane. I'm aggressive and demanding, dominating and I got the girl. I should be happy about it but I'm not. I'm worried, insecure and pissed off. I haven't been myself, so how did I get her?

Is she with me because of the change in my behavior or is she with me because of who I am, who I've always been?

I don't know if I can keep up the domineering attitude. It's not who I normally am. I'm not sure I want to. But it got me Hunter. Maybe that's the kind of guy she wants. Maybe she wants the guy who takes charge and is always in control.

That's not me. I'm the laid back guy who rolls with the punches. I'm just like my Dad. I'm easy going, I'm friendly and I try to be considerate and caring. I do my best to see her point of view. Does that make me a wimp? Does it mean I'm a pushover? What does that say about me?

I can't go very far to be alone here. At least I can't get away from the house. I figured a walk down to the beach was far enough for me to get my head together. And it gets me away from Ash. The guy's pissing me off.

Every time I turn around he's hanging around Hunter. I know why I'm getting so aggressive, I'm fighting for what I want. No matter how many times Hunter tells me there's nothing between them, I keep thinking differently. And the information I just learned about Maddie and Ash isn't helping my mood.

He got Maddie pregnant and she doesn't want anything to do with him? Why? I've known Maddie all my life. She's Cade's little sweetheart. She's the oldest of the grandkids and she's the princess. If Cade finds out that it was Ash who got Maddie pregnant, he'll flip. And Ash will feel Cade's wrath.

Not my problem. Thank goodness. But it does make me rethink my situation with Hunter. We just had sex for the first time. Unprotected sex. Just like Ash and Maddie. Unplanned, unprotected, and reckless. I've got no place to judge Ash, when I just did the same thing. Sort of. I don't want it to be a one time thing but I can't be stupid enough to do it again without protecting myself, and her.

Hunter has a future planned out in front of her. She's going to take charge of the Bradford Drake marketing department and she's going to be a huge success. I don't doubt that anymore than I doubt I'll get drafted into the MLB. I'm following in my Dad's footsteps. We both have dreams we want to follow. And they aren't in the same direction.

Sitting down on the soft white sand, I dig my toes into the wet sand and watch the surf roll in and out. I've always loved the beach. I grew up on the west coast, I spent my summers with my family playing baseball, bonfires on the beach, surfing. I'm a California kid at heart. But once I get into the league, I don't know where I'll be.

I've got some changes coming my way. This is going to be my last summer break with these guys. My last chance to make Hunter mine. I have to take a chance and see if she's willing to try and make it work. I don't know where I'll be next year. Is it fair for me to ask Hunter to give up her dream so I can pursue mine?

"Pouting all alone, pretty boy? What's the matter? Did Hunter give you the old heave hoe now that her boyfriend is here?" Glaring over my shoulder, Roan stalks across the sand in my direction.

"Take a hike, Roan! I don't want your company." I don't want to fight with him. I just want to be alone. I've got too many emotions and questions bouncing around in my head to deal with his shit.

"I think you're feeling sorry for yourself." Roan looks out at the water before he plops down next to me. Lounging back on his elbows, he squints his eyes out to the blue water and nods, agreeing with himself. "I think you fucked up. You played your cards with Hunter and she now knows you don't have what it takes to satisfy her. She wants an older guy. A guy who has been around the block a time or two. Someone who can give her more than a struggling college student. Something better than the goodie two shoes kiss ass she's landed."

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