Chapter 23 we are family

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I just remembered the song and I thought it was perfect for the ending of Eclipse.

~Kiara's POV~

"That's beautiful. But what does the EJ stand for?" Sue asks.

"Emmett Jasper." I answer smirking.

Said boys then gasped.

"You named him after us?!" They ask.

"Of course. Since I named Ava Grace and Emily Rose after our sisters, I thought my son should spare no expense." I answer.

When Axel finished his bottle, I burped him and rocked him asleep. I let Aunt Faith hold him while I helped Jeremy and Emily make some food for us. I was starving.

"So, what happened to Jacob?" I ask as everyone told me what happened since the battle before I gave birth. I wanted to recap since I was out for awhile.

"So, he got hurt because I tried to take on a newborn by myself, even though I had him. But instead of breaking my neck, Jacob intervened and got his entire right side crushed. Dr. Cullen fixed him up, you told Isabella off and had her running scared off the Reservation." Leah answers.

"While you slept, my good friends here decided to drop by for a visit." Jeremy replies.

"And what wonderful friends they are." I said thankful.

"Though we are still nervous about your children, we see they are no threat. But unfortunately, that decision isn't up to us." Jane replied.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Our kings will want to meet them. We have no choice." Alec answers.

"If it means we can explain ourselves, then call your kings and have then come here." I reply.

"Kiara, I should tell you—"

"Jeremy, I don't want to hide our kids or ourselves just because of who we are. If I hadn't met you, who knows how my life would have went. I probably wouldn't have found my family. My real family." I cut my husband off, then leaned my forehead against his.

He sighs. "Alright. Contact the kings. But they have to keep their distance, it's against the rules to harm mates, but I don't want the pack to be harmed. You guys will need to stay away long enough for us to explain your scent and not send them on a killing spree."

"Understood. We wish you luck. For all our sakes." Sam replies, pulling Emily close to him.

At night, the pack left as Jane returned from Seattle. I was on the couch with Axel as he snuggled into my chest. Jeremy was making some hot cocoa as the fire burned bright.

"What did they say, sister?" Alec asks, whispering so he didn't wake Axel.

"They were curious at first, but when Master Marcus heard me say the word 'priestess' he eagerly stated they were coming." Jane answers.

"I wonder why Master Marcus responded like that." Felix whispers.

"No idea." Demetri whispers back.

"Doesn't matter. As long as we get the chance to explain everything to them, I don't care what makes them come." I whisper to them, making them chuckle nervously.

Handing Axel to Jeremy, I take the mug from him and happily sipped the cocoa. I happily watched my husband rock back and forth with our son. This time is what I love the most, the happy peaceful time, the time I get to spend with my family and loved ones.

As night came, I tried to fight sleep but it was noticed.

"Go up and get ready for bed. I'll meet you there." Jeremy said.

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