Chapter 22 friends and family

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~Jeremy's POV~

It's been an hour since my son was born. I wanted to name him but I promised myself I wouldn't until Kiara wakes up. As he lays resting, wrapped up in his little bundle in bed next to my sleeping wife. She looked really exhausted, and that is saying something from our last pregnancies. I mean hers.

"Jeremy." I flashed downstairs to see a nervous Rosalie being comforted by my brother. "I know you gave us your word about the Volturi, but are you absolutely positive that we are safe?" I watch as she rubbed her swollen tummy.

"Yes. Besides, Demetri is... the only other person who knows about my gift. We made a pact to protect one another even if it meant losing everything." I answered.

"What do you mean lose everything?" Sam asks.

"It all goes back 12 years ago when I was traveling. I stayed in Greece where I saved this baby from dying. And when I met Demetri for the first time. When I saved his mate." I answered.

"You saved a baby, and his mate all in one trip?" Paul asks confused, but Emmett's and Rosalie's expressions were more shocked.

"That baby... is Demetri's mate? Wasn't it?" Rosalie asks. I nodded.

"What happened?" Emmett asks.

"I was walking down this alley, waiting for a meal when this car gets smashed into. The drunk driver, he died instantly, but the other car, a mother, she died but her baby was still alive barely. I managed to save her life, but right as I was going to take her to the hospital, I bumped into a guy in a cloak and he was growling at me. I instantly knew he was mated to the baby. After we chatted up, we learned each others names, and after many years later, we owe one another." I explained the entire story to everyone.

"So, the way you got Kiara to Hawaii was thanks to Demetri from the Volturi because he owes you and willingly did you a favor?" Rosalie asks.

"Yes." I answered.

"What happened to the baby?" Sam asks.

"Both demetri and I put her in a safe home. He checks on her every now and then, but he keeps her safe since she's human and doesn't want her to turn yet." I answered.

"Already telling everyone our story?" I turned to find Demetri sitting on the stairs, smirking. "And I thought we had a pact?"

"Haha, very funny." I reply sarcastically as we have a bro moment.

"How have you been?" He asks.

"I've been better." I answered. "Guys, I'm sure you've met Demetri. Demetri, this is my brother, Emmett, his mate my sister in law Rosalie. And these guys over here are our friends, Sam, Paul and Jared."

"Wonderful to meet you all. I've heard nothing but great things about all of you. Well, minus you three." Demetri says, motioning the pack boys.

"I'm sorry, is she...pregnant?" Demetri asks shocked to see Rosalie.

"Yes, but if you let me explain everything, from the top. You will understand. But please, just let me explain ourselves." I answered.

"Of course." Demetri replies.

Starting from when we found out about Kiara's Aunt and Uncle, Demetri was very surprised to meet another priestess. After saying that, he understood how protective I was about her. But when we went on about James and Victoria, he was a little pissed about rule breaking but thankfully Victoria is dead now. So no harm no foul.

As I was bringing up about Isabella stalking Kiara about Edward, I also included Tatia, he was worried about what the human would do.

"So, this human who claims Kiara as her sister wanted her to join her up in the mountains with her and Tatia even though she's pregnant and she lied about her pregnancy to protect her children?" Demetri asks after about 2 hours of story telling.

broken | twilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora