Chapter 19 congrats

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~Kiara's POV~
Washing the babies, I was excited as Edward was coming home with a surprise and the two graduation parties. It's been two days since I casted my spell, and I was relieved off the charts.

"You seem happy?" I turned my head to see Jeremy leaning against the bathroom door.

"I am. My spell is working, and I can't help but laugh evilly." I replied, chuckling.

"I didn't know my girl could be so evil. I do have to say, you're not only devious, but really sexy." Jeremy says as he walked over to dry Ava.

"So, how long till Edward returns?" I asked as I rubbed my slowly growing tummy.

"He said he'd be back tonight." Jeremy answers as Ava let out a yawn.

"Mommy, I'm tired." Ava says sleepy.

"It's okay baby. Daddy will take you to bed as I finish with your sister." I reply as Daddy took her out of the bathroom while I finished with Emily Rose. Once she was dry, I rocked her to sleep as I watched Jeremy read to Ava which made her fall asleep. But before he got up, Ava shot back up and grabbed onto him.

"What's wrong, lil one?" Jeremy asks.

"Please don't leave me!" Ava cried out, clinging to his chest.

"What do you mean, sweetie? It's late and we are just going to bed." I explained calmly as I sat down with them.

"But, what if I closed my eyes and I wake up and your gone?!" Ava asks scared.

"Oh, my little baby. That will never happen, that's just your mind trying to trick you, baby. Come here." I answered as I swept her up and carried her out of the room.

Going into Jeremy's and my room, I placed her on the bed as Jeremy and I climbed in and held her.

"Now my little honey, when you wake up, you will see the both of us." I whispered to her as I rubbed her back which helped her fall asleep.

"Nice one. She'll sleep well tonight." Jeremy whispers to me.

"Thanks. I hate seeing my baby so scared. The whole Isabella thing has gotten to her really scared. I mean, you should have seen our babies at daycare. Isabella looked like what she truly is, a psycho fraud." I whisper back.

"Tomorrow we celebrate at the parties. Let's just enjoy this night. Our babies are sleeping peacefully, and so will you." Jeremy whispers as he pulled me and Ava closer to him as he rubs my back.

The next day~

I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of a delicious breakfast. Taking a 5 minute shower, I went downstairs to see my husband feeding my girls.

"Morning handsome." I said greeting him with a hug.

"Morning my beautiful wife, sleep well?" He says/asks.

"Of course. I was in bed not only with you, but my babies." I answer as he hands em my cup of coffee.

"What are we doing today, mommy?" Ava asks.

"We are going to celebrate our family and friends graduating tomorrow with a party, then tomorrow they graduate from school. First, you and Emily Rose are going to spend some time with Auntie Sue. After the first party, we pick you up to celebrate with the pack. Doesn't that sound like fun?" I answer/ask.

"I won't get to see Auntie Ali, Uncle Jazzy, and Uncle Eddie graduate." Ava whimpered. "But, Uncle Eddie called and promised to surprise Lil E and I."

"I know sweetie, and he is coming back in time to graduate and he will have his surprise. I promise. But do you remember that story about the mean, ugly, wicked girl who was jealous of her sister?" I said. She nods. "You see that story is actually real. I have a wicked girl that is wanting to hurt me. In fact, she's that girl who tried to take you away at daycare." Ava gasped before leaping into my arms.

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