chapter 2 where is she?!

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~Kiara's POV~

It all happened so fast. I didn't react fast enough. But now, it's too late.
This is where I die.

~Carlisle's POV~

Heading home from work, I think back to yesterday when Kiara told my sons her story. I know it was hard for her to talk about it, but I couldn't help but think how brave she was telling it. Without realizing, I was driving past the Chief's house. But when I smelt something familiar, I stepped on the brake and got out. As I felt the wind pick up, the scent got stronger. Flashing to the back door, I found it was broken in. Some of the window was cracked or missing as it was open. I slowly enter, aware of my surroundings, but I froze when I saw Kiara on the kitchen floor, in a pool of blood.

I rushed over to her and saw she was even paler. I quickly call for an ambulance, while stabilizing the wound. When the EMT's got here, they got her heart rate and blood pressure before getting her in the ambulance.

While following the ambulance, I called Esme.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Esme, get the kids and get to the hospital. Now." I tell her.

"Why? What happened?" She asks, concerned, I hear noises, most likely the kids listening in.

"There was an accident. You all need to get to the hospital. Especially, Jeremy." I answer.

"We are on our way." Was all I heard before we disconnected.

Finally at the hospital, I parked in my spot and rushed inside.

"Heart rate is weak, but the pulse is there. Single stab wound to the lower abdomen, and a single cut on her thigh, not deep but will need stitches. She's lost a lot of blood, someone call the Chief and tell him to get here now!" I spoke with authority, as the nurses got to work.

Preparing, I got my gloves on as I cut Kiara's clothes to see the wound. Rosalie and Alice will probably either buy her a new one or sew it back together.

"Okay, we got to stop the bleeding and see if any organs were damaged. Someone needs to get some blood." I said as the suction was used to let me see.

"Dr. Cullen, are you sure you want to do this? I mean-" I cut the nurse off.

"Yes. I know, that I know the patient, but that doesn't matter. I'm going to help her." I said as the blood arrived. "Alright, prep the blood for a drip, we're almost done."

"Hold on, Kiara. You're not dying today." I thought.

~Third POV~

The Cullen family was waiting in the waiting room when they heard the sound of someone rushing in.

"Where is she?!" Jeremy looked up to see the Chief, followed by Billy Black and his son Jacob. "Where's my daughter?"

"Chief Swan. She is almost done in surgery. Dr. Cullen is taking good care of her." The desk nurse said.

"She'll be okay?" Jacob asks. When Jeremy heard him speak relieved, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

"Yes. I will let you know as soon as Dr. Cullen finishes up." She answered.

"Mr. Swan." Esme spoke, gaining all three of their attention.

"Ms. Cullen?" Charlie asks, she nods. "It's nice to meet you."

"Same here." Esme says. "We were so worried when we got the call. The kids rushed as fast as they could when they heard what happened."

"Can someone tell me what happened? All I got was that my daughter was admitted to the hospital, saying she was hurt." Charlie asks.

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