Chapter 18 Cullen return, Victoria leaves part 2🔞

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~Kiara's POV~Great, my morning just had to be interrupted when Jeremy got a phone call

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~Kiara's POV~
Great, my morning just had to be interrupted when Jeremy got a phone call. Pulling up to the pack house, Emily cooed at Mini E and Ava as the wolves come out to greet us. Giving Rosalie and Emmett our house for some alone time, they need it since it's always been the four-six of us. Watching Seth and Leah play with the girls really made me smile.

"Like what you see?" Jeremy asks while cuddling with me.

"Yeah. I'm really glad that one day they will be able to fall in love and not worry about heartbreak. I was a little afraid that one, they'd have to feel the heartbreak I once felt, two they would feel alone forever, and three that if they were imprinted on, they'd be taken away from me."I answered sad, then felt Jeremy's lips against my lips.

"I'm sorry that we scared you like that, Kiara, honest." Seth says, surprising me.

"Yeah. We were scared too. Scared that you'd take our imprints away from us." Leah replies.

"I'd never to that to my friends. I mean, I already get on Sam's bad side when I have to borrow Emily, but the main thing I was worried about, was you two taking my babies away. That they'd forget about me." I said.

"Without a doubt, we know that they'd never forget you." Seth replies, making me smile.

Before we could even enjoy the moment, the phone rung. Jeremy tossed it to Sam, who grumbled before answering. He growled before disconnecting the call once he was done.

"Dare I ask, Mr. Grumpy?" I tease.

"Sorry. But, that was Carlisle. Edward wants a meeting... and Bella demands that you are there." Sam replies.

"I thought she was still in bail since the night she was arrested?" I ask.

"Yeah, apparently her mom paid the bail thanks to her new husband." Jeremy answers, and I knew he had a vision.

I sighed/groaned. "Fine. We'll have a meeting, but I need my Aunt first."

"What for?" Emily asks.

"Oh, you'll find out. Tonight will be the last night that Bella ever messes with me again." I smirked evilly as I got up and made the call.

Not long after the call, Aunt Faith teleports outside the pack house. Going deeper into the forest, we found a small clearing that was perfect for a private meeting.

"So, how can I help my lovely niece?" Aunt Faith asks.

"I need your help with a spell. I know priestess's can only use their magic for good, but I need a spell that can mess with someone's head." I answered.

"Let me guess... for Edward and Bella?" Aunt Faith smirks.

"Yep." I answered.

"Then I know just the spell. And the perfect way to get revenge." Aunt Faith replies.

broken | twilightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora