"Do you have a bump?" Ashton grins, "These two adopted so we never got to see the belly part."

"It's little still, but ya." Elodie laughs, standing up slowly and lifting her shirt to bunch under her chest, giving them a side view of the little protrusion her stomach has now.

"Um," they all glance up as Calum's voice reaches them from the doorway he'd just come through, his eyes on Elodie's stomach, "is that a food baby or a Luke baby?"

"It's mine." Luke laughs, sitting forward to press a kiss to the bump, "And I'm so glad you guys know finally."

"You're pregnant!" Brandy gasps, hurrying over to hug Elodie.

"Ya. I'm sure if you'd been here for the whole tour you'd have caught on about as fast as Crys did." Elodie chuckles.

"Another baby? What does that mean for the band?" Calum asks nervously, sitting down beside Michael.

"It means one more lifelong fan is joining the crew." Elodie shrugs, "What else would it mean?"

"I mean, having Indy along for the last year and a half has caused some changes. Nothing too crazy but we schedule things differently, and tours are split differently, and it's about time to start thinking about another album. How does baby Hemmo add to that?"

"If you're worried about the band, there's no reason." Luke smiles softly. "Writing an album for the next year or two sounds like the perfect way to stay home and under the radar as El and I welcome this baby. If we aren't touring until late next year, or even if we push it until early the following year, that's not a big deal. The baby will be a year old by then, and we can work it out. The only thing that might suck is if El and I decided it isn't in our family's best interest for her to be teching for me after the baby is born. But I can hire a new tech if I need to. Please, don't worry about the band or my commitment, Cal. I know it's scary, but babies joining this family isn't going to change what already exists here."

"I'm all for noise canceling headphones and a baby strapped to my chest too. I plan to share the world we live in with this baby. I think I'd go crazy if I was one of those moms who quit their entire life to stay home for the first few years of their kid's life." Elodie adds, "You worried a lot when Mike and Crys adopted Indy too, but there's no need. We support this band 100% and our babies will do likewise."

"Okay." Calum nods, "I am happy for you two, that baby is going to be the cutest thing in the whole world with you two as their parents."

"Could you imagine? His curls and her eyes? Gorgeous!" Brandy nods.

"Wait, but if it was his curls, but her dark hair color, and either of their bright eyes? That baby is going to break hearts!" Crystal counters.

"Yes! Is it a boy or a girl? Do you know? Are you going to find out? Or are you going to raise them without a gender? We need all the details." Brandy pushes, clearly quite excited.

"We will raise them as whatever sex they are at birth." Luke chuckles lightly, amused by all the questions, "We don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl. El found out she was pregnant a week before we headed out for this tour, and I didn't get to go to that appointment. Being ever so gracious she declined to know the sex until we could both be there and decide together. She had her appointment before I even knew she was pregnant. We have an appointment next week with the doctor where we will get more information on everything."

"Have you talked names yet? That was Crystal's and my favorite part of the whole process, discussing who this little one would be and what the world would call her." Michael asks, scooping Indy off the floor and back into his arms.

"We haven't actually. We really haven't discussed too much to do with the baby yet. Mostly because we found out, I got cleared by the doctor and we headed for Brisbane. We've been focused on tour, and making sure I was staying hydrated and healthy. When we get home I'm sure the baby thing will hit harder and we will be so focused on them and getting ready for everything."

"The only face time I've had with the belly on tour is before bed each night. With trying to hide it from literally everyone we have been living on top of for the last month there wasn't much time to discuss it anywhere else. I might have some thoughts on the matter, but I'm going to discuss those ideas with with El before I discuss them with anyone else." Luke chuckles.

"I don't want a name before I know if they are a he or a she, because knowing me I'll fall in love with a name and then they'll be the other gender and it won't work." El adds, curling herself tighter into Luke's side as she yawns.

"Is the pregnancy why Peter's been doing more than his fair share of work this tour?" Calum suddenly asks.

"Ya," Luke chuckles, "and I'm so glad he was willing to help, even with the doctor clearing El for the job."

"Me too, I'm tired enough without actually lifting the heavy shit." El mumbles.

"Take a nap, pretty girl." Luke mumbles, kissing her head, "Our families will be here in a bit, but you've got time to sleep before soundcheck."

Listening to Luke is as easy as breathing practically, Elodie's eyes falling closed as her body relaxes. Luke's warm hand on her stomach and his heart beating under her ear are the perfect combination of soothing to cause her to drift to sleep for as long as she can manage before the excitement of tonight's show gets underway.

Slowly but surely everyone is finding out about the baby. Where does trouble come up though? It's been pretty mushy and cute so far..?

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I love you guys!!!

~M =)

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