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It's November now

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It's November now. The month of the mafia ball. And the ball is today.

I've been trying to go on with life as if nothing has changed but things have. Things have changed a lot. I'm going to die soon and I don't even know when. Angelo and I have been discussing ideas but it's mainly him and his friends and I come around to ask about anything new. I'm not included in their plotting and it's frustrating.

Along with that, Angelo and I have been fake dating. My whole social media is us now. And a few family photos with Seriyah. We had a photoshoot a little bit ago and it went decent, I didn't know I was so good at pretending to like someone.

I put on a smile and walk into Dahlia's room. We planned to get ready in here because Lori and I don't have rooms and we found out Carlo doesn't like people in his space. Plus, Dahlia's the only person with a wife in our friend group so it wouldn't be weird if her spouse just randomly walked in.

"Lana!" Dahl screams and runs toward me. We tumble to the ground and I grunt.

"Seriously, Dahl?"

"Yes." She grins.

"She did that to all of us." Nai rolls her eyes.

Lori furrows her brows at me but looks back to her hair after a moment. Somehow, she always knows when somethings up with me. She can't know about this though, Angelo said it's best not to worry people- he didn't even tell his friends. They're discussing the possibility of Ava trying to kill us, they don't know she's actually going to.

RnB plays on Dahlia's speaker as we get ready and talk. It's chaotic per usual but that's us and I couldn't ask for anything else. Lori's quieter than usual, Nai's quiet in general, and I only talk when necessary so it's probably not our funnest hang out but we're still together at our lowest so that counts.

We help Nairobi with her hair first, she has her Afro out so we want to define her coils and give it some volume, by the time we leave it'll probably look like a mess but for now it should be pretty. We went for a light cute makeup look for her face because we want to make her look adorable and innocent. She wears a silky blue mermaid v-neck that compliments her skin beautifully. Nai never looks bad, she's lucky as fuck.

 Nai never looks bad, she's lucky as fuck

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