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I've heard a lot of stupid things in my life

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I've heard a lot of stupid things in my life.

When Romano wanted to name Ace, Deck because it sounded a lot like dick and he thought it'd be funny. When Vince said his foot didn't look that bad.

But what my father's saying right now? Yeah, that's at the top of my list. "Fake-date Alana?" I ask, stunned.

"Yeah." He shrugs. "What's the problem?"

"She hates me?"

"Hate is a very thin line between love, see your mother and I hated each other and now look at us." He smiles. "I can't imagine a day without her."

"How many times did you lie?" I raise a brow.

He frowns. "You never actually lied to Alana, you guys were never close. It was everyone else around her but you, which shows that you're the only honest person in her life- fuck, that should be your concluding sentence when you propose the idea."

"I didn't even agree to the idea in the first place." I can feel myself growing frustrated from this conversation.

"Look, Figlio, I know you think she's pretty. It's quite obvious in the way you look at her, Farida talks to me about it all night because we share similar eyes and she can tell your looks."

"That's scary." I furrow my brows. "Does she know what I'm thinking?"

"Only if she's seen that expression on me befo- okay, we're getting off topic." He glares at me. "If Alana and you are together, nobody will think to harm her and Chicago has been getting pretty ballsy lately."

"Yeah, didn't they kill that important Russian?"

"I think that was just soldier talk." Father smiles.

I think t over. Ava isn't our only threat, we've had issues with the Caribbean's, Africans, Koreans, and even the Russians over the years. Of course we settle the matters but just in case the Chicago people get too ballsy, it'd be good to have Alana safe.

They can't kill Lori because she's still married to Matteo. They can't get Seriyah or Maria because they're the future of our mafia. Everyone is safe but Alana.

"Okay." I grumble. "I'll do it."

"Don't sound so pissed, I know you want to."

I roll my eyes but deep down, I didn't really care about fake-dating Alana. It was a good idea and it's not like I have anything against her, it's her who has everything against me.

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