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"Ma!" I shout at Mamà

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"Ma!" I shout at Mamà.

Maria and I were already fully dressed and ready for school. Ma made us food then sent us to the living room to eat while she checked on Zia Lor. But now we're getting late for school.

I haven't seen Zia Lori since I left for Tia Ath's house two weeks ago. I wonder what changed her. She seemed perfectly fine that day. Maybe it's the baby boy growing inside of her.

Okay, I don't actually know if it's a boy but I don't want Ria to have a sister. We're a duo, not a trio. And I feel like she'll only drift away from me. Ria and I are supposed to be together forever. Just like Ma and Zia.

"Yes, Sy?" Ma comes rushing down the stairs.

"It's time to go!"

She sighs and tilts her head to the side. "Only scream like that if you're in pain."

I giggle.

"Is Mamma coming, Tia?" Ria looks at Ma hopefully.

She purses her lips and replies, "not today, no."

Ria pouts but shrugs it off, "okay."

Ria walks off into the hall. I didn't realize it would be hard for Ria not to see her Ma. They've never been separated for this long.

"Is Zia dying?" I whisper.

Ma bends down to talk to me and hold my hands. "Physically, no. Mentally, yes."

"What does that even mean."

She chuckles quietly and answers my question with a lingering smile. "She's dying inside, but she's not going to heaven." She watches my confused expression and shakes her head. "You'll understand when you're older."

"I want to understand now!" I demand.

"Life doesn't work that way." She pinches my cheek. "Let's go now."

I roll my eyes. "Fine."

The three of us leave the house and start the very long ride to school. Ria and I watch the new Disney movie on Ma's phone but it's not the same as how it usually is. She's not making funny comments and I'm the only one who seems to actually be paying attention.

Ma gets a call from Carina. Little does she know that's Carlo. She forces me to pause the movie and give her the phone back. "Hola."

Ma presses the button that puts him on speaker then gives me the phone back. "There might be a small issue."

"When is there not?" She asks dryly.

"Such lovely humor, boss." He chuckles nervously. "Well... we might've burned down the photocopy room."

Ma sighs deeply. "You know what? I won't even ask. I'll be there in under an hour."

"Got it."

Ma hangs up by clicking another button. I can't wait until I and Maria are driving everywhere together, it's going to be so much fun. We're going to get fast food and see the ocean because Maria loves the ocean, and I'll paint our view because I love to paint.

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