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"Seriyah!" I call my little five-year-old. "We're going to be late!"

"Coming, mamá!" She yells from upstairs.

Today we were going to the company because the girls didn't want to go to school today. I don't mind because she's missing one day of fucking kindergarten. Who gives a shit about that?

"I'm here" She grins at me then runs out the door with so much energy.

"Slow down, Seri!" I jog towards her, waiting at the door. "We have to wait for Ria"

"Nope, I'm here" She smiles. "Let's go!"

I walk to the car and get in the driver's seat. Lori nudges my side and shows me something on her phone. It's a video of Matteo asking her how to make Maria's favorite cookies for her surprise party.

Why a video? I don't know. Matteo likes recording instead of simply texting us.

I don't care about the events five years ago anymore. I have a child now and it's best I move on.

Seriyah is the best gift I've gotten my whole life, I don't want to ruin her childhood with my burdens. I'm putting everything into keeping her happy and won't tolerate Angelo suddenly wanting to be in her life.

"Mamma?" Maria calls for Lori. "Yes, Mia Bellezza?"

Lori and I learned Italian and Spanish. We thought it was about time we learned our native languages. Plus, it's good for the girls to learn by seeing us speak it every so often.

"Can we get a happy meal?" She asks, drawing stuff in her notebook. "Happy meals make me happy"

"I know something else that makes both of you happy" Seriyah doesn't like Mc. D and I don't want to make two stops so she could get something, I have a better suggestion and it's free. "It's a surprise though"

Lori gives me a look, knowing exactly where we're going. The girls love going here, they say it's relaxing. It's such a beautiful place, Matteo doesn't know about it though. It's our little secret.

I pull up to the forest and the girls scream in joy when they see where we are, quickly hopping out of the car.

Lori leads them while I stay in the back and make sure nobody comes to attack from behind. "Walk faster, elderly's" Seriyah rolls her eyes.

She's got attitude, this one

"Don't talk to me that way, I'm 25 missy" Lori turns around and lightly smacks the back of her head.

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