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Things are looking up for Lori and me.

I don't have to spend the money I've been earning, plus the money uncle Carter gives me, I'm doing well for now.

I'll save up for a small apartment to rent out with Lor. I'm currently getting ready for work while she sleeps.

I lied, I'm downstairs eating a bagel, it's so much fun doing things you're not supposed to. Anyways, I finish the bagel and head back to the only other room I'm allowed to be in... never mind, I can go to the washroom. I enter Lori's room and see her still sleeping, walking towards her bed and lightly shaking her awake.

Just kidding, I slapped her.

"Ow," she hisses squinting, overdramatic. I roll my eyes. "What are you doing?" She complains.

"Get up sleepyhead, time for school" I smile, Lori and I have online school now, she signs in for me and records the class so I can review it when I get home.

This way, I can work more hours and earn a larger amount of money.

"Fuck you. Go to work, bitch" she pushes me away from her and I gently chuckle.

"See you..." I trail off not sure of when I'll see her. She became a stripper so the extra money was useful for our plans to move into an apartment together. She works at night while I work during the day. "I don't know, tomorrow morning maybe?" I shrug, going out the window when she nods.

I walk down the same path I've been going down for the last two months, it's basically imprinted into my brain.

There's this weird path from Lori's house to the supermarket. I'm not comfortable with it but it's the shortest way there, I can't afford to be late.

I always feel like someone's watching me whenever I'm alone though.

I would ask Lori for rides but that would make her mom suspicious plus, she shouldn't have to waste her gas when my legs work perfectly fine.

I want to look for the guy who gave me a child but at the same time, I don't.

Say I do go looking, I either find him or I don't. If I do find him, he'll enter the child's life but I don't plan on having anything with him. Or, I just continue the life I have right now if I don't find him or look.

It's pretty plain and simple.

I wish I were a stripper though, that'd be fun.

How'd I gone from Angelo to a stripper?

What if he's an undercover stripper? Wait no, he owned the club. That can be the first place I'd go looking if I wanted to find him.

I wanna call Vince.

It's too early though, I did that a week ago and he got so pissed. Started yelling at me through the screen while I tried to keep a straight face.

Suddenly, I hear a tree branch snap and somebody loudly whispers "shit" while another person whisper-yells "dumbass"

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