Chapter 18: Rogue Wolf Part 1

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A/n: Mery is once again on her own separate adventure. This is during Sense and Insensitivity, Mery goes out to collect ingredients for the Reincarnation potion and as she was struggling to find them, she meets a teenage werewolf that goes by the name " Rogue ".


Mery snuck out of the Owl House to begin her search for the ingredients of the Reincarnation potion, she made sure she had left a note for her mom and Luz that said that she was hanging out with some of the werewolf kids and to tell Hooty to watch Chirp while she was gone so they wouldn't get worried about her or question what she was doing. Sparkle poked his head out of Mery's hair as she was wandering around the woods, she didn't have a single clue where to find any of the ingredients.

Mery: ( groans ) Why couldn't the author of the blasted book have written where to find these damn-

Suddenly a deer-bird like creature jumped out of nowhere and attacked Mery, who quickly recognized the creature as a Peryton. Mery tried to run away from the creature, but it chased after her like a lion chasing its prey, causing Sparkle to hide in Mery's hair. The Peryton then chased Mery to the edge of a cliff. Mery was about to force herself to go into " Were-Rage " to defend herself and protect Sparkle when a fully turned werewolf came out of nowhere and attacked the Peryton. The werewolf managed to get the Peryton to back off, then they turned their head to Mery. Before Mery could say anything, the ground beneath her fell and she was about to fall off, when someone grabbed her wrist preventing her from falling off. Mery turned her head to see that the werewolf had turned into a tall teenage witch her age with dark bronze skin, jet black hair, piercing yellow eyes, a scar on their collarbone that was slightly visible, and they were wearing a dark navy blue tunic with a dark purple collar and gray sleeves, black pants, and dark brown boots. The werewolf then pulled Mery up without saying a word until Mery was away from the edge of the cliff, their voice was a bit raspy.

Mystery Werewolf ( Rogue ): It looks like the so called " Tamed Wolf " can't even protect herself from one Peryton.

Mery: ( blushes slightly ) ( growls ) Hey! It came out of nowhere! And I have a name, it's Mery.

Rogue: And mine is Rogue Growlin. Even a pup would know when a peryton was ten feet away from them, but you're not to blame for your lack of a strong sense of smell of a pure blooded werewolf.

Mery: ( huffs ) At least my leg isn't bleeding.

Rogue glanced at their leg and saw that they had a bleeding wound that they had gotten from the peryton.

Rogue: Just a flesh wound. What's a little thing like you doing alone in the woods? Shouldn't you be with your human friend?

Mery: I'm on a adventure, that's all you need to know.

Rogue: Oh really? From the looks of it you're lost and are trying to find something that you have no clue where.

Mery: No. ( Her nose twitches like a rabbit )

Rogue: Uh-huh...

Mery then sighs in defeat before she pulled out the Reincarnation book and showed the page of the ingredients she needed.

Mery: Do you know if any of these ingredients are in this forest?

Rogue: Yeah, but they aren't really places for werewolf hybrid that was obviously raised in the human world to go. You'll just get yourself hurt or eaten somehow. I guess I should probably make sure you don't die, pack law and all.

Mery: Only if you can catch me!

Mery then ran off into her top spend, and when she thought she had lost Rogue, they came out of nowhere and lift Mery off the ground with a blank expression. Sparkle poked his head out of Mery's hair and protectively glared at Rogue.

Mery: ( sighs ) Fine. But, not a word of this.

Rogue: Alright, shortie. I'll show you the ingredients that are the closest to us first.

Rogue then gently put Mery down on the ground with a blank expression.


That's it for now, I hope you are liking part 1

What do you think about Rogue?

Till next time my agents of mischief 😜

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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