Chapter 9: Hooty's Moving Hassle

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Open on the Owl house living room, where Eda and Owlbert are playing a card game with Luz, King, Mery, and Sparkle were watching while Chirp was happily eating a pile of bugs that Hooty had caught for him this morning. Eda shuffles her hand, and the eyes on the cards look up at her. Owlbert, wearing a green visor,  narrows his eyes and hoots.

Eda: Watch closely, girls. Hexes hold'em is the most tricky game on the Boiling isles. Any proper witch knows how to play.

Luz: Oh boy, cards!

Mery: The paper rectangles that old people think are fun ( she joked with a chuckle )

Eda puts a card down on the table. Lightning comes from the cards, sending Owlbert flying for cover behind the side of the table. The cards all stand and roar. Owlbert's  surge forward and attack Eda's, making Owlbert smirk.

Eda: Now when it looks like the deck is stacked against you, that's when you break out the wildcard.

Eda holds up a card with a tower on it. It glows green, and Owlbert's cards disappear in a flash of fire. Fiery letter spelling out " WINNER: EDA " appear and disappear over the table. Owlbert hops back on the table and hoots at Eda, wings extended.

Eda: Woo, I win! In your adorable owl face. Ah, I love the feeling of victory. It feels... fluffy? ( She said as feathers are growing from her arms )

Luz: Uh, Eda?

Mery: It's happening again!

Eda: What's happening again?

King: Your curse is returning!

Eda yelps as she saw the feathers, Sparkle quickly checked Mery for feathers but Mery had none which Sparkle let out a sigh of relief.

Cut to Mery being in the living room, Mery was putting a dog harness on Chirp sense she had a feeling that Eda is going to be taking the gang to the market and she walked Chirp to get more experience outside of the house. Hooty opened the door and looked at Mery.

Hooty: Are you sure, I can't just watch him while you're gone? ( He said, not wanting Chirp to go as he became quite attached to the blind hippogriff )

Mery: Hooty, I know it's going to be hard but Chirp needs this. We need him to get use to going outside.

Sparkle then pulled a leash out of Mery's hair, Hooty looks at them with a raised brow.

Hooty: How much stuff do you have in your hair?

Mery: To be honest, I have no clue. ( she said honestly to Hooty )

Cut to the market, Eda bangs on the metal gate of the witch that she had been buying the elixirs from. Mery was standing beside Eda with Sparkle on her shoulder and Chirp on a dog harness and leash. Chirp has laying on the ground on his stomach as he yawned.

Eda: Hey, open up, Morton!

Morton: Uh, ju- ... Just a minute!

Then loud footsteps were heard, Mery heard someone scream. A witch waves his hand, and a cart with a large demon on it follows him. Luz walks up to Eda and Mery.

The Chaotic Human... Or Witch? ( A Owl house fanfic ) Where stories live. Discover now