Chapter XVI

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This is my second time posting this. I literally almost cried at work when i realized it somehow went from over 2000 words to under 480. So, this is slightly different from the original, but I can't possibly write it exactly the same since the original is literally nowhere 😭😭😭😭 and I shit u not I'm actually shaking when I'm rewriting this bc it took so long the first time.

(Old AN) Hey, been a while. I made an announcement this morning about why I've been MIA but really, it's the same reason I always have and will probably give again.

3rd person - that afternoon
The whole pack drove up to the Stilinski house. Separate cars parked on the side of the road in front as they all stood facing it. The yard was still overgrown; it has been since Stiles's mom died, but even after that Stiles at least tried to do upkeep. Now Stiles wasn't there to.

Allison and Aiden were towards the back of the group. They haven't spoken to the Sheriff since the funeral, and even then, they were quiet. Realistically they knew Noah didn't blame them, but that didn't really lift the weight off their shoulders.

The squad car was in the driveway, which means—

"You kids are very discreet," Noah said from inside. He knew the majority of them could hear him anyways. Then he opened the front door. "Four cars parked on the street in front of the Sheriffs house? That's sure not gonna make the neighbors ask questions."

The group didn't respond, instead deciding to make their way up the driveway and into the open door. Noah stepped aside to let them in, closing the door behind Allison, who kept her head down. The sheriff took in the group of teenagers, plus Derek, Peter and Chris. It had been so long since he'd seen all of them at once. It was only on the occasion that they tried to keep him company in the first couple months, or he'd see them sometimes when he decided to go to work. He's glad that Derek and Scott mentioned, or more like implied, that they had been going into Stiles' room. At least he wasn't driven crazy, imagining Stiles walking around in his room, pacing around as he often did.

After the scene at the diner, Scott, Derek, Issac, and Liam stood in the parking lot. It was only a few minutes when Chris and Allison arrived, and asked why they were outside. They explained what happened; the reason for even meeting in the first place was forgotten. Two hunters, one named Dean, they were in Stiles's room, and the Sheriff didn't tell them.

"Did they say what they were doing here?" Chris asked, worry causing a wrinkle between his brows. Two hunters, one named Dean, and he really hoped it wasn't the Dean.

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