"Little brother, remember when the Eli said this was our "crib"?"

"Yes, yes. Mother said it was an object that imprisons babies."

I laughed, "Cribs don't imprison babies. They hold it while it sleeps, but back in the day a crib would mean a house."

"Interesting. Mother update your software."

"I am unable to do that, my liege." A disembodied voice spoke.

I looked around confused and Krel and Aja laughed.

"That would be Mother." Krel pointed to the ceiling. The two siblings spontaneously transformed into their true forms and a blue flash of light briefly filled the house.

My eyes darted for Aja. "Woah... Aja, you're beautiful!" I walked over to her.

"You think so?" She laughed, "Thank you!" She was at least 5 inches taller, and still taller than her brother. She hugged me tightly and lifted me to the point my heels were off the ground. She let go and walked over to the fireplace in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Krel laughed.

"Yeah, what is she doing?"

"Just wait."

After a second of watching the fireplace, a blue portal appeared in its place and Aja walked right in. I tilted my head. Krel took my hand and dragged me into the living room with excitement before pulling me into the portal!

I looked around and everything was so blue, and bright. It was beautiful even if all I saw were walls and a floor.

"Woah..." I looked over at Krel who had a bright smile on his face.

"Just so you know, the parent blanks will probably ask you a lot of questions." Aja started walking down one of the hallways.

Krel followed and kept our hands locked together.

"Why so many hallways?" I looked around.

"They lead to different rooms of the ship, there's the flight deck, the engine room. A few work rooms and the regeneration chamber." Krel explained.

"Wow. The regeneration room? Is that-"

"Yes indeed Phoenix Overland." Mother said suddenly.

I looked up and a neon, pinpoint-looking icon generated in front of me.

"The king in waiting has told me much about you Ms. Phoenix." The icon started following.

I looked at Krel who was blushing just as much as me.
"You did?"

He nodded and chuckled nervously. Changing his gaze in front of us, he cleared his throat.
"I actually have some stuff I need to work on, but you're welcome to watch if you'd like." He offered.

"Yeah! Of course, I'd love to!"

"While you two do whatever it is you're doing, I'm going to find Mom blank and work on my warrior fighting skills!" Aja exclaimed.

Krel led me into one of the rooms, the door was a circle and it degenerated as we stepped in front of it. Inside the room was a bunch of wires and machinery, I had to guess this was the engine room. In the center of the room was a hovering table, and a light-filled area that looked as though it used to hold something.

"The technology here is unbelievable. It's like nothing I've ever seen before."

"Hah, well if we were in Akiridion-5 you would be even more amazed." He brought me over to the hovering table before letting go of my hand.

Trollhunters: The Tale From Phoenix Where stories live. Discover now