Chapter Twelve

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          As Snape opens your journal again, exposing your secrets aloud, you notice a strange pleasure at the embarrassment you feel. It somehow feels safe to be humiliated by him.

          "I've heard rumors that he can read minds without wand or spoken incantation. Sometimes in class I imagine us doing bad things in his dungeon just to see if it's true. It's risky if he decides to try reading my mind but I can't help it. I can't stop thinking about what must lie underneath those trousers..." He pauses for a moment then continues in a more gravely tone, "...and whether I could elicit a response."

          He glances back at you. Something in his eyes has changed...or maybe it's your imagination.

          "I swear, once in class I thought I caught the shape of it when the light hit just right and nearly gasped aloud at the size." He snaps the journal shut, turning and facing you. You squeeze your eyes shut to block out his penetrating gaze. "Miss Y/n...quite a creative imagination you've got." You open one eye at a time, slowly returning his glance. "I think I ought to keep this to see what other...indecent behavior is revealed."

          He returns to pacing slow circles around you, "Now. I'm afraid such conduct cannot go unpunished." You shiver in the cold dungeon, your hips striving not to rock at the threat lacing his voice. "Typically detention would set you straight, but I believe your improprieties require a more...personal touch.

          He flicks his wand and the necktie disappears, uncovering your mouth. "Restraints are regrettably essential due to your insistence on silencing your words with those disobedient hands..." As he speaks, you feel the tickle of rope snaking around both your wrists, wrapping around them then pulling taut, restraining them behind your back. He steps forward and cups your jaw in his large hand. His thumb gently glides over your lips, his eyes dropping to your trembling mouth. "...but we are going to need this."

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