Chapter Forty-Four

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          "Now, where to find that oafish dunderhead...ah, acting idiotic with the other jocks; how surprising."

          Professor Snape swiftly moves through the halls and into the courtyard toward Josh Philiman who was surrounded by his buddies who were smacking each other with their quidditch brooms to see how hard each other could either swing or endure, their goofy laughs echoing against the castle's stony walls.

          Severus rolls his eyes at the moronic display before him. "Mr. Philiman..." he says sternly, his voice cutting through the noise, and Josh whirls around, his eyes wide. "Oh, um. Yes, Professor, sir?" He says, a tinge of fear in his eyes. Snape can't help but feel a hint of triumph at knowing he can inspire terror in several young men with merely his tone and presence, their eyes wide as they watch cautiously.

          "Come with me." He says firmly, whirling around to go without another word, Josh trailing closely behind as they make their way through the dark corridors.

          "Professor, if this is about that rumor going around about me and that slut Y/n––" Suddenly Josh finds himself pinned to the wall, Snape's black eyes glaring into him, his forearm pressed against his throat. Josh's eyes widen and he exclaims through chokes, "Oi, I'm sorry! I just meant...the rumors aren't true, I never did that. I know she's got a boyfriend..."

          "Then why have you not denied it to your peers?" He hisses.

          He smirks in a smug tone, "I mean...everyone thinks I've got rizz since I'm also foolin' around with Bethany Mueller. Besides, I'm definitely not opposed to the idea, Y/n's got a nice ass and––" Severus shoves Josh again, his wand inches from the face that is now frozen in terror. "Give me a reason...I beg you," Severus growls in a low, venomous tone.

          Josh looks at him in shock and indignation. Snape pins him there a moment longer before he collects himself, releasing him roughly, the murderous contempt still burning in his eyes.

          He says nothing as he continues walking and leads a disheveled, fear-stricken and agitated Josh to the Headmaster's office.

          "Professor. Mr. Philiman," McGonagall says in a cold greeting at their entrance. "Mr. Philiman, please have a seat." Josh steps forward tentatively and sits in the chair facing her desk. "Oi, Headmistress, I didn't actually do nothin', so I––" Minerva holds up her hand in a silencing movement, her brow furrowed in sternness.

         "Mr. Philiman, you were brought here because of a rumor going around about you and Miss Y/n...can you please tell me and Professor Snape the details of said rumor?" Snape leans against the Headmaster's desk in front of where Josh sits, his black eyes searing into Josh's averted ones.

          Josh's face flushes a moment before he clears his throat and speaks timidly, his cocky attitude somewhat dwindling, "Well..." He looks down before continuing, "The rumor is that she and me...we've been sneaking out of our dorms at night and snoggin' in the halls."

          He thinks a second before continuing, his eyes lighting in amusement, "And this morning, there's a new development. People are saying that last night, we went outside and actually did the deed." His brow arches in a look of self-satisfaction. At this, Snape's head tilts a bit to the side and his eyes narrow on Josh, his expression not exactly angry...more curious than anything.

          "The boy is...proud...? Of something he didn't actually do." He looks at Josh in disbelief, as if observing a scientific anomaly, crossing his arms over his chest, "He...really is an idiot."

          "People are saying we've been sneakin' 'round behind Peter's back for months now," Josh continues. Severus turns and looks at Minerva over his shoulder, arching his brow dryly. Her mouth tightens and she exhales, "Thank you, Mr. Philiman, for your honesty." After a long, uncomfortable pause, she nods at Severus who gazes down at Josh with a tight jaw and serpentine eyes, standing to his full height and taking out his wand. "Oi, what're you––"

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