Chapter Twenty-Two

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          Finally the event concludes and you're in your dorm and your roommates are in their bunks, sharing stories from the evening and gossiping about who kissed who, how far they went, and who's getting detention for getting caught fooling around on school property. 10:30. Just thirty more minutes until––"Y/n, how did it go with Peter? Did you guys kiss?" Amy asks excitedly, pulling her covers up to her chin. "Oh. Erm, yes..." "And...? Did you go all the way with him?" Georgia asks leaning over the edge of her bunk, eagerly watching you. Angel winks at you. Merlin, this is all so fucked up. "I...yes?" you mutter, knowing Angel sucks at lying even more than you do.

          "You lucky girl, how was it?" Georgia and Amy squeal loudly in unison, making your insides shrivel. "Better than she ever imagined it could be..." Angel says dramatically with the back of her hand pressed to her forehead, mocking your statement from earlier with a cheeky smile. "Yes, that about sums it up!" You say, plopping your head back on your pillow, hoping to Merlin someone else did something interesting so you can stop talking about your sex life. "Georgia, how did things go with Ben?" you ask. She pauses, blushing. "He kissed me and we snuck out to the carriages," she smiles gleefully. "We made out until that miserable old git Snape caught us and gave us both detention," her smile quickly disappearing. "Talk about needing to get laid," Amy adds.

          A small smile forms on your lips as you remember what he did with you moments before assailing the poor students in the carriages.

          10:55. Finally the other girls go to sleep and you sneak to the washroom to change out of your pajamas and put your gown back on, not wanting your roommates to wonder why you insisted on wearing it to bed like a loon. You don't know why but the thought of him fucking you in that dress...and taking it off of you with his large hands makes you quiver. You silently leave your dorm and the thrill of it makes you feel alive. You wonder if he'll still be in his black suit and bowtie.

          You make your way through the long hallway, your bare feet pattering softly against the stone floor. All of a sudden you see the flash of a lantern up ahead. Your heart drops into your stomach. The caretaker. As quickly and quietly as you can, you search for somewhere to hide, pressing yourself close to the wall. In your hurry, you accidentally knock a portrait off of it, a loud crash echoing through the castle. You panic at the lantern now quickly approaching, nowhere to hide in the long corridor. Nowhere to turn but back.

          You grit your teeth in anxiety and frustration and turn around to run, smack––into a firm, black chest. A large hand grips your arm and rights you. You look up into his sharp gaze and quickly whisper, "Professor, I–" "Miss Y/n," his deep voice bellows out in the quiet hall and you cringe, knowing the caretaker is approaching. He stops in front of you and Snape, holding his lantern and illuminating you. "What have we got here?" he asks, an evil grin spreading across his face. "A student out of bed?" His lantern turns to the painting, its frame now broken on the floor. "Oi! You will be punished for this!" Filch angrily steps toward you, pointing a threatening, crooked finger in your face, causing you to instinctively shrink back into Snape's chest.

          "Mister Filch," Snape says in a steely tone, every syllable ripe with venom, "I. Will handle. This." You notice the feeling of his arm protectively resting on the small of your back. You don't know what Filch sees when he looks into into Snape's eyes, but you see him shrink back, lowering his head, his voice suddenly void of the cockiness it carried only a moment ago. "O-of course, Professor," he nods timidly, backing away. The caretaker's lantern slowly shrinks in the distance along with the sound of his steps. Snape turns to you, clicking his tongue in disapproval, "You really are such a clumsy girl, Miss Y/n," in his silky tone. "Come with me. For your...punishment," he smirks, his hand still on your back, leading you to his dungeon. You smile to yourself when you see he's still wearing his suit and bowtie.

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