Chapter Thirteen

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          You look up at him with big eyes, feeling very out of control but somehow there's a stillness sweeping over you. Under the danger of his threats and eyes like daggers, you feel safe.

          His thumb still on your lips, your mouth opens the tiniest bit, though you didn't intend to. It's as if your body has a mind of its own, disobeying your will and demanding its desires. His eyes narrow at the small movement and his own lips part slightly in response. He studies your face for a moment longer, his onyx gaze delving deeper into yours.

          "The rumors are true, you know," his deep drawl breaks the silence as he releases your mouth, leaving an emptiness behind that makes you ache. "Legilimency without wand or word..." Your face slowly changes as the realization of this settles in. He begins slinkily pacing in front of you, rhythmically tapping the palm of his hand with the end of his wand. "All semester while you've been daydreaming in my class, I could peruse the...salacious halls of your mind." He looks down at you smugly, seeming to enjoy the way it made you squirm. "Including when you'd think those wicked thoughts to try tempting me..." His eyes take in your kneeling form, "I especially remember your fantasy involving my work bench..." then flit up to yours, his brow forming an arch. You aren't sure whether to feel aroused or mortified when you recollect that fantasy.

          He stops pacing and faces you again, a pleased expression forming on his face at the embarrassment forming on yours, "You silly girl..."

          He steps closer and stretches out his wand, hooking the tip of it underneath your collar. "Evanesco," he commands. You suddenly notice a plume of vapor and the cool air of the dungeon flooding you. You glance down in alarm to find that your top and everything underneath it has disappeared, your nipples exposed and raised with arousal and chill. You move to cover up but the rope binding your wrists is unyielding. "My shirt! I, I–" "Don't you remember this part of your fantasy?" he asks smugly. "Isn't this what you've wasted class time daydreaming about?" His wand lightly follows the shape of your bare clavicle, making you shiver.

          "That will be your punishment," he says decidedly, removing his robe with a flourish, flicking his wand to settle it on the back of his desk chair. "We're going to reenact your...fantasies to teach you that you have. No. Idea...what it is you think you want. What it is you ask for." His face becomes stern as he leans toward you and reprimands, "You think you're ready for such lewd acts at 19 years old? What little knowledge you have of such things. But don't worry..."

          He straightens, wearing a smirk and his voice comes out roughly, "'ll be well-informed by the time we're finished."

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