Cas or car?

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A/n: Eid Mubarak for those who celebrate

I was driving the impala with cas because we wanted to see the pie festival in Denver well... I wanted to go there cas however just came because he was bored so he told me which is absolutely fine with me since we both alone now because Sammy didn't wanted to come. We had a bit alone time for us both.

„So cas exicted for the pies?" I asked

„Dean. I'm not here for the pies but you are for sure excited for the pie aren't you" cas replied

What does he mean? He don't come for the pies? I mean he was just bored so he said he come but how can you not be excited for pies? I don't get it.

„Hell yeah I am and I'm going to show you the paradise of pie" I said

„Yeah...sure you do" cas looked at the window without another word

I Wonder what is going on in his head i mean he isn't an angel anymore he lost his grace must be awful for him but I try to make him better wait maybe he just wanted to come because he needed a discretion well then I make him the best discretion he ever had. And probably the only one he ever had.

We were nearly there when my baby (my car yes it's named baby don't judge me) just drove wrong like I wanted to drive right she did left and then at some point   When were at a bridge she drove us so that we hang between life and death

„Dean. We have to go out of here" cas said while not trying to throw up because the car swung back and forth

„Let me maybe I can save that car into the street again" I said and tried to drive it back which didn't work and only made things worse cas gave me a death glare I just laughed nervously

„Dean if we don't go we die" Cas said in his usually serious tone

„But baby-„

Cas interrupted me „you seriously want to die for a car?" He asked tilting his head

„I would die for that car cas I'm serious!"

„Dean no!" Cas shouted

„" I wishpered

„Whatever" cas rolled his eyes then he opened the door of his side and looked down he probably saw water he throwed up before trying to jump into the water I hold him back at the end of his Trenchcoat „what?" cas asked

„You don't know how deep that water is you could die there. There could be stones down there big stones don't jump or you die"

„You got any better idea...and no Dean we won't die for  your car"

„Well the backseat? It's on the streets if we get there we can maybe make it out alive" I suggested

„Who goes first?" he asked

„Well it's dangerous if you go last so obviously you should go first"

„No dean I was an angel once and you probably won't leave if you're Last so go I find a way"

„Fine" I said and unbuckled me I turned around so I could see the backseat I slowly crawled there then I turned around to face cas who started at me with horror filled eyes „wait a minute I'm gonna-„ he couldn't finish the scentence he throwed up right in my car.

„seriously dude? In my car?"

He gave me a death glare again „Next time it goes into your fucking face"

I never heard him swear but damn he sounded hot.

„Alright calm down now I slowly open the door go out and then you're it alright?"

„Yeah" he said

I slowly opened the door the car swung back and forth I slowly put a foot in the streets then the other one and I was out

„See that's easy! You can do that!" I said in the air

„Dean!" cas screamed

Oh oh

The car just goes froth she's gonna fall in the water that poor car...and Cas fuck cas I should get him out of there

I run to his side of the car and hold with all my strength the car so it doesn't fall  without realzing he wasn't in the car anymore

„Dean. I'm down here! You have to let go of that car or let me die" cas was holding himslef on the edge of the bridge underneath was water that probably wasn't that deep and full of stones. And lead to death.

I looked at my beautiful car „I'm so sorry baby" I cried and let go of her she fell into the water falling into pieces there goes my baby now I should go and save cas

I hold a hand to cas which he toke and I pulled him up just as Cas was standing on his own feet again he throwed up again on the floor lucky it wasn't my face

„so I'm more important then you car? I assume Since you didn't let me die?" cas asked after we somehow found a way to go home because pie festival could wait cas nearly died I mean we all did but it's always hard if you die or nearly died

„Of course I wouldn't let you die your my best friend cas you know that right?"

„Yeah...yeah I know and I love you"

„What?" I asked confused

„I love you dean in a romantic" cas said looking at me with his beautiful blue ocean like eyes

I waited for this for so long twelve fucking years I mean I could have done the first step but if he didn't felt the same way I did?I didn't want to ruin our relationship. But it's finally happening after so many years.

„I love you too Cas" I said

„Thanks for saving my live" he stepped a step forwards

„Thanks for saving me from hell" I said

Our nose toched now „I wanted this for so long" cas said and kissed me.

Wow that's awesome

Cas let go

„Me too cas me too" I said

Jack suddenly was in the room „finally" he said

I looked at him „how long were you standing there?"

„Long enough that you and dad finally figured things out" he said eating cookies from the bag

„Jack it's 10pm why aren't you in bed?" cas asked in his dad voice

„Because it's Friday and I was alone at home"

„Alright let's celebrate and eat cookies together" cas said sitting down on the sofa I saw down next to him jack sat down on the floor because he feels comfortable there

We're a family even before all that but now I and Cas are together I like it.

I also miss my car but if I let Cas die which I obviously wouldn't I would miss him more.

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