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I'm finally cas husband.
And I was happy the last weeks but something seemed strange about cas the last few weeks after our honeymoon.

He didn't talk to me anymore like he used to do. And just randomly disappeared without saying anything.
So I speak to him why he's so mean.

"Hey cas?"
Still nothing he didn't even turned around

"Chuck is here"
"I don't feel for that one again" he said without even turning around
"Do you hate me?" I asked

"Cas... why are you ignoring me? I thought you loved me we married for the love of....PIE"
Still Nothing
He nearly turned around
"Fuck" I wishpeared

"Sammmmmmmyyyyyy" I screamed

"For the love of salad don't freaking scream I can hear my ears bleed...anyway what did you want?"

I pointed at cas and then did a Lucifer thing

"Ohoh...not good....not again"
"Help me or what?"
Cas/Lucifer turned around
"Are you guys talking about me?"
"Yes you're ignoring me that's not nice you didn't even brought me pie for breakfast and you always did that!!!!"

"Maybe I want you to stay healthier!"
"Then why you're ignoring me???"
Because...because I have to kill you!"

"I don't think it's Lucifer" Sammy wishperd to my ear

Cas had to hear it because he said

"No I'm not Lucifer I don't do the mistake twice I'm Cas angel of the lord and deans husband"

"okay now we know you're cas now Let's go back to the part where you said you have to kill me!"

Cas stayed quiet

"Oh come on"
"I- I'm sorry"
"Why do YOU have to KILL ME?"
Cas grapped a chair and pulled out something like a books  I think it was written in enochian

"What's that?"
"Your death book"
He interrupted me
"Your death book dean"

"What does that have to do with it?"

"Everything! Don't you unterstand  Rowena  does die by Sam hand its her finnaly dead but you you're  killed by my hand if I kill you it's final!"

"Then don't kill me? What's the problem?"

"Billy is the problem dean she wants you dead"

"Why? Is she still mad because-"

Cas interrupted me

"Yes she is still made because you're broke  her senses"

"Please don't kill me! Or at least buy me pie first!"
"Dean that's not the time to be funny"
"I wasn't funny I was telling you how I want to die"

"I won't kill you... but then I have to die..."

Sam who watched it the entire time with popcorn finally said something

"You both don't kill each other or I will hunt you"
"That doesn't make sense..." I said
"It does to me"

Sammy left he couldn't watch anymore drama I think

"Don't  die"
"Oh so I should kill you? Fine!"
He throweed me against the wall
"I get mixed feeling from this"

I hope it goes to the right way and not the killing way.

"What? It's true!"
"I'm sorry..."

Oh no it's going the killing way.

"We can kill her so we won't have to kill each other!!"
"If she dies another  Reaper will rise and force me to kill you..."
"I swear I will hunt you!"
I added
"I come back to live I always do"
"But maybe not this time"
"I come back like always I promise you!"

Cas stayed quiet

I don't care he has kill me? Then do it! I will be back and trick dead.

"I love you dean I'm Sorry-"
He pulled out an angel blade and stabbed me in the heart.
"I come back to you my angel" then I passed out.

I died.

Ten days later..

Cas pov

I waited... ten days to him to come back alive I left his corpse in his room everyday I looked if he will awake again but he didn't and sam...Sam left he couldn't look at the dead body of his brother...
Now it's the tenth day I look again and there was still nothing.

I went to the kitchen I don't have to eat but I still hope Dean comes back so everyday I make him pie. And hope he comes back to me like he promised me.

I baked pie I put it out the oven and then I saw something strange... but it was only for 1 second so I thought I imagined this but later there was it again. And then when it was night I saw that the strange thing was dean... trying to be visible

"really? You're a ghost now?  I looked at him he was now visible
"Hey! At least I came back to you and didn't broke my promise!"
"You're still dead dean"

"well least I'm here"
"Yeah right"
"So i didn't break it"
"So what now?"

He throw me against a wall

"I don't kill you don't worry"
He pulled me in a kiss

Oh we going this way.
I kissed him back
And I think y'all now what it went too.

After the younknowwhat

"You didn't killed me"
"And you made me feel alive again"
"You're welcome"
"I freaking love you dean winchester"
"I love you my angel"

Dean was a ghost but at least he didn't went crazy and when I died.. we were together happy as ghosts but also at the time I was alive we were happy.

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