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I felt someone behind me i Turned around and saw cas. Of course it was cas.

"Hello dean"
We talked about this cas"
"I'm sorry"

"What did you want anyway?" I asked
He walked closer to me
"Cas? What are you-"
He layed a finger on my lip
"Shh" he said

He kissed me. I kissed back.
He went down kissing my torso when he was on my waist he looked up to me
"Is this okay for you?" He asked
"Yes" I said
He pulled down my boxers

Then of course sammy walked in

"Guys Crowley is here-" he saw us

"My eyes my innocent eyes...lock the fucking door next time!" He screamed
Crowley was behind him
"Well I guess I lost a lot of money now"

Then they walked away and I think Sam is traumized now.

Then cas continue
"Cas- I don't-"
"Shh we have time"
Cas put my cock in his mouth and looked at me while sucking it
I moaned

After the nasty mesty time....

"This was good wow" I say

"We should go and see what Crowley wanted now"
I put my boxers back on.
We went to the kitchen where Sammy and Crowley were sitting.

"So you guys had fun?" Sammy asked

"Because of you I lost nearly all money I had!" Crowley screamed

"Oh I'm sorry" I said sarcastically

"You're a demon for what do you need money?" Cas asked

"I have my reasons!"

"Anyway what did you want?" I asked

" I lost gods sister"

"How? Didn't she was in hell with you?"

"Well you know she is a teenager now and she is rebelling"

"She broke out of hell" I said

"Yes" Crowley looked at the floor

"Fine we help you" Cas said

"Now if you please excuse us we have something to do"

"I grapped cas and went to my bedroom I heard both say
"we leave you too alone now have fun"
Then I think they left.

I pulled cas in a kiss and pushed him on my bed
I toke of my shirt.
"Wow" he Said
I smiled
I toke of his blazer and jeans.
I kissed him down his torso.
And pulled down his boxers
"Now it's your time to relax" i say
And went further

After the nasty smesty time...

"Oh wow this was good"
I layed down next to him
"Yes it was" I was out of breath
"I love you Dean"
"And I love you"
We felt asleep in each other arms

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