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A/n: so yeah uh this came to. My head yesterday at 2am....

I was watching scooby-doo when I heard jack scream from the living room „DAD!" I ran as fast as I could to him „what's it who's dead? Or did someone Followed a bee to California again?"

„No dada is screaming at the computer" he pointed at cas I heard Cas scream „give me what you own me!" to the computer

Maybe I shouldn't have gifted him a computer it probably was a bad idea
I walked to Cas „hey honey what's wrong?"

„it say accept cookies and I accept it but it won't give me my cookies! That fucking liar!"

Angels and computers? Not the best combination.

„Jack go to your room before you learn more words that you shouldn't heard of"

„Oh so I can kill god,become god fight monsters go hunting but I can't swear?!" Jack said with his arms shrugged.

Oh no I think he just hits puberty I thought we had a little time like never or at least 4 years before it happend.

„I won't discuss with you I give you nougats if you go and you might be god but that doesn't change that i and your dada are your fathers so listen and go to your room!"

„Ugh fine" Jack rolled his eyes and went away

I turned back to Cas „hun I hate to break it to you but you won't get any cookies from the computer I'm afraid. But hey we can get some if you want?"

„But it asked me for cookies and I accept it why wouldn't I get one?"

„It's just for the website it's not real cookies cas I'm sorry"

„That's just mean why would they do that nooooo I want cookies" cas cried

„Cas did you watched the Sesam street again?"

When he watched it he becomes a bit like the Cookie Monster

„Maybe....but dean cookies! You don't unsterstand it I need cookies!"

„Your an angel cas you don't need food"

Cas grinned with his teeth „just because I'm an angel doesn't mean I can't enjoy food!

„Okay okay calm down I get you cookies just don't do anything stupid" I said and ran to the kitchen baking cookies won't be so hard right? I saw Bobby do it often when sammy and I were kids and Google help me....I hope I don't put the kitchen on fire....again

I put the cookies in the oven and waited ten minutes before get them out and put them on the plate jack came to me „dad please can I get one?" he asked

„Only one! I saw you eat the whole rest of the ice cream today"

„I was hungry" he shrugged and toke a cookie and bite it down

„So what you think?" I asked

„Well you didn't burn the kitchen this time....that's progress!"

„That bad?"

„Maybe I just don't like cookies maybe dada like it though" he left

I went to Cas who looked like he didn't sleep for three days even though angels don't need sleep but he really looked....down.

„I baked some cookies" I said he ran and toke one and ate the whole plate of them „thanks I love you"

„I love you too" I said and Cas hugged me

I'm just happy no one died today and I could help cas

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