Hell/Cat allergie

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A/n: ooops...

ok but this time it's the last one for real I think

We were in hell because apparently Rowena is the queen of hell and she also is the only one who may know how to get ride of the curse Cas has which basically is being allergic to cats

I mean I'm allergic too but Cas loves cat he even has one and the witch knew that so she spelled a spell that he is allergic to cats now

"Dean I miss jeffrey" Cas cried  Jeff was his cat well our cat yes I have a cat even when i'm allergic but I can handle it as long as Cas is happy

Cas was a Little on fire I don't know how it happens but he just randomly was on fire

"Cas Are you burning?"

"What?" He asked confused

"Because you're on fire"

"I'm sorry was this a flirtation?"


Cas tilted his head before realizing that he was in fact on fire "damn it not again" he whispered and deleted that fire "now we should go every second I'm away from Jeffrey I die a little"

"Right...just let me get our son" I looked over at jack who talked to a demon "JACK" I shouted at him he turned around "but dad he likes nougat!" "Your father dies from being away from a cat so come over and don't make anymore demon friends" I said jack nodded sad and followed us

We went trough hell they had titanic on here and twilight or a room where you had to go and step on Lego or one where you watch teletubbies for all eternity so there was something for everyone

After jack escaped us a few times because he wanted to see all the rooms and watch teletubbies we finally arrived at the throne room? I think at least that's what it looks like and on the throne there stand Rowena we walked forwards her

"Hello boys what brings you to hell today?" Rowena asked and gesture with her hands that we could sit down

"I...I'm allergic to my kid" Cas bursted out in tears

"You're allergic to jack?" She asked confused

"No...my other kid Jeff" he cried I handed him a tissue from the desk why do they have tissues in hell?

"Jeff is a cat" I wishpered to Rowena

"Yeah that Makes more sense" she whispered back

"Can you help get me ride of this terrible allergic I don't unterstand how dean can live with it or any other human being on this world"

"How did he get this Allergie he's an angel?"

"A witch cursed him with it" jack said who stand up

"Where the fuck do you think you going?"

"Dean watch your language he's a kid" Cas said serious

"I wanted to play with my demon friends they have Nougat!" He said excited for the nougat

"Jack no I buy you nougat but stay here it's dangerous" I said in a dad tone

"Aunt Rowena please?" Jack said with puppy eyes

"Sorry dean is right now sit down and you can get ice cream"

"Yay" jack sat down again

"So? My Allergie?"

"Yeah sure just let me" Rowena put a hand in Cas Trenchcoat and seemed to search for something when she found it she had a witch bag in her hand "this should do it you shouldn't be allergic anymore" she said

Rellay we could have that done on our own why were we so stupid? Of course it was a witch bag what's else would it be?

"Can I get ice cream Now please?" Jack asked

"Sure here you go jack" Rowena snapped with her fingers and and boom there was ice cream in front of jack who he immediately eat how could he be the biological son of satan? He's so innocent

After jack was allowed to watch one episode of Teletubbies with a demon friend and after we talked Rowena for helping and bought nougat for jack we went home

"This was awsome do we have Netflix? Can I watch Teletubbies again? And eat nougat Please" jack begged

"Sure but just until your bed time which is in-" cas looked at his watch "-2 hours"

Jack jumped in excitement and hugged both of us "thanks you I love you dads" he said grabbing the nougat bag and walked to his room to watch his new favorite show

"I hope he never grows up" Cas said to me
"I know me too"

"We should see if it worked "JEFFREY" I shouted to the bunker

A grey cat came "dean this is not Jeffrey this is just some common bitch" cas said

"Jeff?" I asked another grey cat came this time it was Jeffrey cas immediately hugged him and didn't sneezed or anything

Cas eyes glowed "look dean I'm not allergic anymore!" He said happy

"Yeah but I am" I said and began to sneeze

"Dean can we keep the other one?"

"Cas no"

"But dean you hurt Nathan's feelings" he said and starret at me with puppy eyes
"this is not working on me Cas" I sneezed once again "please?" He begged
"fine we have another cat why not" I sighed

"I love you" he said and kissed me which I returned "I love you too"

Yes we now have two cats even when i'm allergic the visit to hell was. Calmer and a bit funny to be honest than I expected

I hope i Never have to deal Cas being allergic to cats ever again though wasn't nice

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