42. Drag Me Away (From You)

Start from the beginning

"Well, this is different. I-I mean, it's not like we have much else to do. Chuck is off world. Jack's in the bunker, waiting for Billie's orders. And -- And Cas just... bailed, I guess. He didn't say anything to you about why he left?"

"Not really."

"And you guys didn't get into a fight or something?"

Dean scoffed. "It's just Cas being Cas."


A cellphone vibrated and Dean pulled it from his pocket.

"Seriously, Dean?" Sam asked.

A beep sounded as Dean checked the phone.

Sam continued. "You know how many people die every year texting and driving?"

It was a message from Castiel. 'Did you tell Sam yet?'

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Dean answered. "No, I know. Look." He put the phone down. "Okay? Done. You're right. My bad."

Sam looked at his brother.


The Impala continued to drive down the road and pulled up outside the Rooster Sunrise Motel.

Dean shut the engine off and said, "It looks smaller."

"Yeah, well, we're bigger," Sam reasoned. "Weird being back here."

"Yeah, it's not exactly on the top of my bucket list," Dean admitted.

Dean opened his door, his action followed by Sam and Jayci.

January 1993

The engine idled as two boys got out.

The Impala drove off.

Young Dean sighed. "Dad should've let me go with him. I mean, you don't need me." He scoffed. "I was babysitting you when I was your age."

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal," Young Sam said. "Whatever."

A train whistle blew as they walked towards the entrance.

"Uh, wanna practice shooting?" Young Dean asked.

"I just want to go to the room," Young Sam replied.

"Naw, let's -- let's hit a vending machine or something," Young Dean said, noticing a bulge in Young Sam's jacket. "What's that?"

"Nothing." He held the bulge.

"Let me see." He tried getting it.

Young Sam grunted as Young Dean came behind him. "Dude, stop!"

Young Dean proved stronger and pulled a book from Young Sam's jacket.

"Ahh. Victory," Young Dean said, shouldering his bag and looking at the book.

It was the 1991 American College Guide.

"These better be haunted colleges," Young Dean told his brother. "Where'd you even get this?"

"The bookshelf at the last motel," Young Sam replied.

"I thought your imaginary friend told you it was bad to steal." Young Sam looked at Young Dean. "Why would you want..." Young Dean looked closer at the book. "Wait. You think you're gonna go to college?"

"Yeah. Why not?"

""Why not?" Why?"

"'Cause that's what normal people do."

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