Playing with Fire

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(Y/n) POV

I am just getting out of school when I hear a scream, instinct kicks in and I transform into my Charizard form and fly towards the source of the scream. I land and see a woman unconscious, I approach and sniff her to figure out her condition.

(Y/n): She's not hurt.

Suddenly, my tail moves quickly on instinct and I turn around and see a young teenage girl, about 16 years old and wearing a ancient looking necklace.

(Y/n): You did this?

????: Don't worry, she'll be fine. Better than you're gonna be anyway.

(Y/n): *growls* People a lot more powerful than you have said that, and they lost, and not always in one piece.

????: Oh, I'm so scared.

(Y/n): Final warning. Stand down and walk away.

????: Make me.

Fed up with the girl's defiance, I let loose a weaker Flamethrower just in case she was human, but it was still powerful enough to damage a car. This girl was agile though and dodgerolled diagonally towards me. I try to shift to my left and grab her but she simply reached up and gripped my wrist and I felt my power start to drain out of me. I manage to wrestle the woman off me, but I involuntarily change back into my human form. I see my tail flame is still lit, but not as brightly as earlier, I try to summon a fireball to my hand but I can't even get a spark.

(Y/n): What?! My flames! Where-

????: Oh, your flames? They're right here.

I realize what she did, but I don't know how, as she summons fire to her hand and throws it at me, I fall back to avoid it.

(Y/n): *tries to use flames* Come on. Come on. I can't-

????: You're right. You can't, but thanks to you, I can!

The girl sends another fireball my way and it catches my arm as I dodge and leaves a burn, but didn't burn my clothes.

(Y/n): That actually hurt. Taking my powers is impossible.

????: And yet.... *throws another fireball*

I dodge and try to get this woman to see sense.

(Y/n): Be careful. That power seems easy and fun at first, but-

????: *mockingly* Aww, was it hard for you? *normal tone* Thanks for the concern, but I got this.

The woman readies a really big fireball and throws it at me, I dodge right again to avoid it, but the flames light up the garbage in the alley. I see the unconscious woman and leap across the flames and throw her on my shoulders. The woman, named Zayla, then flies into the air using fire from her feet to boost her into the air. Zayla readies yet another fireball, but she's suddenly hit with webbing to her face. I look up and see Ghost Spider leap in front of me.

Ghost Spider: I leave you alone and you get yourself into trouble?

(Y/n): This time trouble found me.

Zayla gets the webbing off her face and sees other Secret Warriors show up and simply flies away. But no one could take off in pursuit because we had a fire to put out.

Ghost Spider: *uses comm link* Secret Warriors! We have a fire to put out! Let's move!

Ms Marvel showed up first and lift me and the unconscious woman up onto a fire escape, then went to keep the crowd away from the flames.

Squirrel Girl: Okay, GS! America! *points at water tower* Let's make it rain!

Ghost Spider wrap her webs around said water tower, and with Squirrel Girl's help, they pulledbon the top to tip it over, while America lifted from beneath the tower. While I stood there feeling useless, the three powerhouses managed to tip the tower over and put out the fire in one big flood. Now that everything calmed down, I let the authorities take care of the woman I was trying to help, then Ghost Spider landed next to me and asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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