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Wanda POV

I made an official announcment to the rest of the Avengers that I would be adopting (Y/n) as my son, most were in favor, though Natasha had some issue with it.

Natasha: Are you sure about this? Taking care of a child is a lifelong commitment, not something you decide on a whim.

Wanda: If I let child services take (Y/n) away, I'd never forgive myself. He'd never learn to fit in, and he's always got a target on his back for those who would seek to exploit his powers. I will not let anyone force him into a situation like that again.

Natasha: But why you?

Wanda: Because, I'm the only one he trusts and loves. I would lose a part of myself if I did not reciprocate that love. He is mine, mine to me. And you cannot stop me.

Natasha eventually gave in and I set up an appointment and drive to a government building in one of Stark's cars because that's all that's there. Like seriously, Tony, you don't have any normal cars? Whatever, I arrive and wait in line until I reach the front desk.

Woman: Hello, Ma'am. How can I help you?

Wanda: I made an appointment for today.

The woman hands me a clipboard and pen with a paper for personal information and the paper reminded me of the proof of indentification documents I needed, which I made sure to bring. I finish filling out the paperwork and then sit patiently in the chair. After an hour though, my patience wears thin, I get a call on my phone and see it's Cap and answer it as I look behind the desk.

Wanda: Yes, Steve?

Steve: *voice-over phone* Hello, Wanda. (Y/n) just woke up from his nap and is wondering where you're at?

Wanda: Just tell him that I am out running errands for Tony and I'll back in a while.

As I talk to Cap, I look at the desk and see only one woman working while the rest of tye employees just standing around. I finally get fed up with this and cut Cap off.

Wanda: I-I gotta call you back. *hangs up*

I stand up and excuse myself as I pass by other people waiting in line and walk up to the front desk, I look at the man at the front of the line and tell him before turning to the woman working.

Wanda: I'm not cutting. I'm just asking. *to woman* Let me tell you something, all right, we have been sitting here for over an hour and when I look around and all I see are people shooting the bull and drinking bad coffee. Who runs this place?

The woman, not impressed or intimidated, casually points to something to my left and see a picture of the U.S. President. I look back at the woman.

Wanda: Well, I would have this place shape in two days, I can tell you that.

Woman: I bet you would, now how can I help you?

Wanda: *indicates man next to me* Oh, he was here first.

Man: No, please. You first, I think I wanna hear this.

Woman: Me too.

Wanda: *holds back frustration* I do not appreciate the attitude.

Woman: Ma'am. Now you can tell me what you want, or I can make sure you wait here all day. Now how can I help you?

Wanda: *sighs* I would like to become a Legal Guardian.

Woman: *sarcastic* Lord, help that child.

Appalled by this woman's attitude, I finally get to talk to an agent where I showed him a picture of (Y/n) and the file the Avenger's created for him. The agent seemed to recognize (Y/n) and started looking through the file boxes, until he pulls out a file and shows me a picture of a child that looks remarkabley similiar to (Y/n).

Charizard OC (Poke'mon) x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now