The Terrigan Wave

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(Y/n) POV

I am training in the Avenger's training room with my improved firepower and aerial superiority, when the tower starts to shake.

(Y/n): *in Charizard form* JARVIS?

JARVIS: There is some sort of energy wave blasting across the island of Manhatten. The Avenger's have been notified.

I fly out of the building and up above the city skyline and watch as a wave spreads way too quickly for me to react. Suddenly, there are alarms and sirens going off all over the city. I fly to the nearest alarm and see a burning car, and a blue, slimey cocoon thing in the middle of the street.

Civilian: Help!

I fly down to the ground and effortlessly rip the car door off it's hinges and pull the civilian man out of the car, but then I hear a spark and shield the man with my body and wings and absorb the explosion and flames.

(Y/n): You okay?

Civilian: *terrified* Ahhh! *runs away*

(Y/n): You're welcome. *annoyed sigh*

I turn my attention to the blue slime ball on the street and look it over, carefully sniffing it.

Wanda: *arrives* (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Hey, Mom. What is this?

Wanda: I don't know.

I go to poke the orb with my claws, but Mom stops me.

Wanda: Wait. We don't know what this is or what it does.

Wanda pulls out her Avenger's ID card and scans it.

Wanda: Iron Man? Falcon? (Y/n) found some sort of slimey blue orb, we think it's a result of the energy wave. Any ideas what it is?

Iron Man: I'll take a look............................ Okay, I think it's a kind of capsule or cocoon. There's someone inside it, it appears they're in stasis.

Wanda: Aliens?

Iron Man: That I don't know, this is all new to me, but the people inside are unharmed and- hold on.

Wanda: Tony?

Iron Man: This isn't an isolated incident, Police and SHIELD are getting reports of these cocoons appearing all over the city.

JARVIS: Sorry to interrupt, Sir, but I have an emergency call for young (Y/n) from Gwen Stacy.

Iron Man: Go ahead, JARVIS, put her through.

(Y/n): *changes back into human form* Gwen? Are you okay?

Gwen: (Y/n)! Oh my god! It's horrible! I-

(Y/n): Whoa, whoa, whoa! Gwen, slow down! Calm down. Now tell me what's going on?

Gwen: It's Kevin. We were hit by some weird energy wave, I tried to protect Kevin, but the energy wave still hit him and now he's encased in some sort of-

(Y/n): Cocoon?

Gwen: Yeah? How'd you know?

(Y/n): Just stay there, I'll come to you.

I end the call and look at Mom.

Wanda: *nods* Go. The Avengers will keep investigating these cocoons.

I transform into my Charizard form, flare my wings and flap them hard to shoot up into the air, and fly to Gwen's house and see Gwen out on the street and land near her.

Gwen: (Y/n)!

I approach the cocoon and sniff around it.

(Y/n): Just like the others.

Charizard OC (Poke'mon) x Wanda Maximoff (Marvel)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora