A new phase of life

Bắt đầu từ đầu

Past is always full of laughter ,and minimum bad memories ,Present is full of complaints ,struggles and dis-satisfaction ,carelessness and procrastination and future is full of hope and uncertainity ,a paradox indeed.

They together make the four letter word ,what we call life .

When I now look back ,i just feel regret , regret for not cherishing the best moments of my life ,in a better way with her.

I dont remember much about how much i had fought with her since my childhood ,but the only thing that my brain can remeber is her gentle smile and brown eyes filled with pure love and sincerity for me .

I miss her !

I breathed in through my nose and realised that it was all clogged up ,just like my throat ,my eyes were burning .

I was crying ! Again!!

I breathed in through my lips and held the breath in my chest for a while ,trying to contain the sob that was about to bubble out of my chest and escape through my lips .

I hate it ! I hate to cry ! I always get a headache and mild fever ,whenever I cry ,and since I have to earn for my living ,I just can't bear the risk to fall sick , so I have to take paracetamol ,In order to get well soon ,but since the last two years ,this particular pain killer has become my companion since two years.

It's a heavy dose ,and since i take it almost on a daily basis ,my skin conditions have slighlty turned worse ,but I just don't have the time to tend to it ,my whole focus is to make a living ,and perceive my further education ,I am a second year B.com + CA student .

It was hard to manage all the stress in the early days ,but with time ,I have become used to it .


Fucking slut !

Time is the biggest slut , whether this slut will fuck you solely depends on your luck ! That's what i believe! If your luck is good ,When you are god's favourite ,you would be feared and respected by this'slut' and when you are not god's favourite ,your life would become just as fucked up as mine currently is.

I and Anne were living a cozy life ,when everything changed.

For worse ,definitely.

Anne hided her illness from me for almost three months ,Thanks to my curiosity that i peeped into her reports ,which she said were some mere tests .

It turned out that she had leukemia.

I was devastated when I saw her reports ,I knew then only that the reason of her staying away from me was this illness ,

I felt like crying loudly ,and I did ....I did cry...Miserably ,patheticaly .

I fell on the ground and grabbed my hairs and pulled them and shedded tears ,unable toa accept the reality.

oh how much i cried ,begged to god to turn alll this into just a bad dream ,but it was a reality.

A heart wrenching reality .

She had only two more months to live .

I thought of confronting her ,but It was not in my fate .

The day I thought of confronting her was the day she attempted suicide .

I felt like my world collapsed from all the four directions ,all at once .

I hated her for leaving me alone like this ,for maintaining the secrecy about her illness from me and keeping me in dark all this while.

VAMPIRE KING'S MATE[VKG]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ