Chapter 15: Opportunity

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Chapter 15: Opportunity (Rewritten)

[Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV]

「July 27th (1st Day)︱Afternoon︱Forest」

After selecting the base for my respective class, I then immediately picked up one of the two tents and made my way from the beach into the enormous forest.

I noticed that the first-year Class C students had already entered the forest ahead of me, accompanied by their homeroom teacher. It seemed that it would take some time for me to catch up with them.

To ensure that no one could trace my path, I decided to take a different route while still following their general direction. Using the geographical information I had gathered from visualizing the island earlier, it was relatively straightforward to anticipate their destination, even if they themselves were unaware of it.

As I continued to quietly explore the forest, I finally spotted the group of first-year Class C students. It seemed like they had stopped midway, presenting a perfect opportunity for me to approach them.

"What's up, Class C students?" I greeted them, waving nonchalantly.

Unfortunately, it seemed like I had approached them at an inopportune moment, as they stared at me with a glare. It appeared they were in the midst of a discussion, or perhaps even an argument, which abruptly halted as I approached.

"What's with this atmosphere? Did you guys get into a fight or something?" I shifted my gaze towards Hirata Yōsuke.

"Ah, sorry, Ayanokōji-kun. You could say we've run into a bit of a problem," Hirata Yōsuke chuckled bitterly.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, Ayanokōji-kun?" Kushida Kikyō asked with a cute tilt of her head, trying to create a more welcoming atmosphere with her lighthearted attitude.

"Oh, there's nothing really. I just thought of giving you guys an extra tent since I only need one," I replied expressionlessly as I placed the tent I carried down.

"Really?! Are you sure, Ayanokōji-kun?" Kushida Kikyō offered me another lovely smile.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm the only student in my class, and it would be a waste to throw away an extra tent. So, I thought you guys could make use of it," I shrugged.

"Ah, thank you, Ayanokōji-kun. This will save us some points," Hirata Yōsuke expressed his gratitude with a smile.

"Anyway, may I know what you guys were arguing about? It's not good to fight among friends, especially at a time like this," I asked.

"Nah, it's none of your concern, Ayanokōji," Yamauchi Haruki replied, shaking his head.

"Listen, I don't want to involve myself in unnecessary conflicts either, but if the class I am allied with is facing a problem, it affects me too. Please explain the situation," I calmly responded.

"Well, you see, we need to resolve the toilet issue," Hirata Yōsuke scratched his cheek.

"...The toilet issue, huh?" I tilted my head slightly, trying to comprehend. "You mean whether or not you guys should install a toilet? Well, I can see why that would be a significant problem."

"Right! I mean, why don't boys understand us? It's just disgusting to use that cardboard box as a toilet! Besides, everyone is going to use it together. Isn't that gross?" Shinohara Satsuki argued, expressing her frustration.

I could understand her reasoning. Using a cardboard box as a temporary toilet with 38 classmates (assuming I have that many) doesn't sound pleasant or hygienic at all.

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