Chapter 11: False Accusation

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Chapter 11: False Accusation (Re-written)

[Ayanokōji Kiyotaka POV]

「May 16th︱After School︱Classroom (S)」

It was May 16th, and the midterm results had just been announced. By now, everyone should be aware of their midterm's performance, and there is none of the surprising at the moment.

None of the first-year students had failed, including my respective class, which had maintained its position as the top-performing class. We had the best academic performance among all the first-year classes without much effort. Additionally, my class's average score in the mathematics test matched that of all the other first-year classes.

Hence, I managed to pass all the special assignments with ease. Everything so far went according to the plan with nothing extraordinary happening in the slightest.

As of now, it seemed that someone had accused me of placing a cheating sheet on someone else's clothes to frame them for cheating during the midterm. Naturally, I hadn't engaged in such behavior, and I firmly believed in my innocence in this particular case.

Nevertheless, the fact that the accusation held enough weight for the student council club to decide on holding a trial couldn't be underestimated. It implied that they had something up their sleeve, some evidence or strategy to try to prove my guilt.

Of course, this was not an attempt to break the fourth wall; it was simply a way to prepare myself for whatever that is going to happen next.

"And that concludes today's lesson. Have a pleasant evening," Mashima Tomonari said as he finished teaching me English and left the classroom.

Shortly after, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Aware of this, I let out a brief sigh and stood up, slowly making my way out of the classroom.

Following Tsukishiro Tokinari's instructions, I had no choice but to comply with his demand and head towards the faculty office. I didn't rush, instead strolling towards my destination with both hands in my pockets.

"Good afternoon, Tsukishiro-sensei. How are you today?"

"Why do I detect a hint of sarcasm despite your monotonous tone?" Tsukishiro Tokinari chuckled. "Well, I've just finished teaching second-year Class A."

"Why is there a hint of sarcasm despite how monotonous you sound?" Tsukishiro Tokinari chuckled, "Well, I would have just finished teaching the second-year Class A by now."

"Nagumo Miyabi's class, huh? I assume their midterm performance was impressive?" I responded with an emotionless expression.

"Yes. With the majority of the class expelled, it's easier to achieve higher average performance, although it gets halved in the end. You truly are wicked, you know that, right?"

"In one way or another, Nagumo Miyabi will find a way to escape the contract I imposed. I have no interest in that outcome. It's merely a means to exert pressure on him," I replied, maintaining my impassive demeanor.

"In one way or another, huh?" Tsukishiro Tokinari raised an eyebrow. "Well, you do what you need to do, I suppose. Although this information won't be of much use, their average score stands at 82 points."

"Once it's halved, it'll become 41 points, I see. Based on the performance of the second-year students across all classes I've observed so far, it's highly likely that Nagumo Miyabi's class will be demoted to Class C next month," I remarked, letting out a sigh.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to observe the second-year students as well, considering your task is specifically designed for the first-year only."

"It's too easy, and I have plenty of free time," I replied nonchalantly. Besides, it didn't take me long to assess their capabilities. I simply made approximations based on the references I have.

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