more death

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The guard

There was no regard for any human life...I'm not at fault, they didn't have any either... Before sneaking in here with Ben, I knew the plan Ben created was going to go to shit...Because I knew myself...Even if I catch a glimpse of my prince's face All these emotions stir up inside me... feelings I don't want to go away ever... but once he left...once he was in danger of leaving me forever...I-I..couldn't handle it...

After murdering angry was now time for the calm people, I know this gang from way back in my youth...I was fourteen when I fought these guys for the first time... and lost.

"Zachary, Landon told me to tell you to watch out for these guys, they're dangerous..."

"So he says"  I reply Ben stood beside me...facing down the four people...

"My my my...Look at all the people you killed" I remember this guy...His name is Marcus, He's always wearing a smile but deep down he doesn't care for them...not at all.
He's the type of person I hate most... Once I felt they were off guard even though they were sensitive to movement I chop off his head... Surprisingly he was still smiling...pretty creepy.

"This is why we don't talk to the enemy!" Spoke to Christian...golden blonde hair with light facial hair...and they came attacking in unison.

"Ben stay close to me" I warn, He shouldn't be here at all! these guys are on another level...I mean for him at least...We telepathically agree I'll fight the man while he fights the woman.
fighting two people at the same time...two skilled people...they are coming at me from both sides. I am trying with all my strength to fight them off, but it is hard... I am taking punches and kicks from both sides and I am afraid that they might defeat me. I am doing the best I can, but it is not easy. The battle continues as I throw punches and kicks in return. I am exhausted and running out of energy, but I can't give up. I have to keep fighting. The fight is close and tense as we are all giving it our all. My life is on the line...My Prince his life is on the line.
amid a battle with a powerful enemy. The fight is intense and I am focused only on winning. Suddenly I hear a cry of pain and anguish, it is my friend...ben who is slowly dying I am stunned and torn between fighting and trying to save my friend, what do I do? The battle continues but in the back of my mind, I am filled with fear and grief. There is no easy answer and I know that whatever I do, it will cost me dearly...

There's no pause...There's no pause! I-I- can't even stop... Stop and think...
What is there to think about? He's dying...

"I never cared about anyone-"

"Shut up Ben!" I don't want to hear about your final moments...I refuse to have you die like this! 

"Fine...I'll shut up" he coughs...My body still has he didn't say anything...anything after that...Risky, Risky I stop fighting to stare at his batter body... covered in the blood of the woman and his...The battle was intense and he was drained but still, he feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knows that he has gained experience and knowledge from this fight, and I am proud of what He has achieved. The victory is his. He's won. He may be bloodied and bruised, but He's won Victory is Him and that is all that matters.

While I was off guard...I felt a sword penetrating my stomach...I never felt such pain...but it's nothing compared to the second a spent without My Prince...
For that is worst than death.

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