freeing him

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The guard

"How long have you been brandishing that sword?" Sir Amir inquires solemnly.
"Approximately 4,000 moons, my lord... "I cannot afford a moment of respite. I pause, wiping the perspiration from my brow before handing the sword to Sir Amir. "Would you care to engage in combat?"

"I am too advanced in age for such endeavours, my son," he chuckles.

"Nay," I retort firmly.

"Zachary, might we converse ere I depart?" Sir Alexios bellows, causing Sir Amir to sigh.

"What troubles you, dear Amir?" I inquire earnestly.

"It seems thou dost engage in private discourse all too frequently," he complains. Alas, his observation holds truth... I despise the notion of him feeling excluded. Sir Alexios approaches, waiting for Sir Amir to take his leave.

"Amir, he seeks to be involved as well," I explain on Sir Amir's behalf...

"I have no qualms with that," Sir Alexios responded, clearing his throat. "I refuse to betray the prince."

"Art thou sober, Alexios?" I choke, but judging from his countenance, his words carry sincerity. "Thou canst not be."

"What- what compelled thee to entertain such thoughts?" Sir Amir stammers from deep within his throat.

"I know thou deemest me mad, but-"

"Deem? Thou art truly insane!" I shout. "After all the atrocities committed by the king against thee! Thou desirest to set him free!?" My hands clench tightly... I turn away from the conversation, but they follow closely in pursuit.

"Zachary! His father... imprisons him in a dungeon to wither away! That's what Benjamin told me!" Alexios shouts, his voice echoing through the thick stone walls.

"Well, Benjamin is a deceitful knave!" I snap, my voice carrying the weight of righteous indignation.

"Do you truly believe that?" Alexios argues, standing resolutely before me, "Look into my eyes, dear friend! Is that what truly lingers in your heart?"

"I do!" I bark, my eyes narrowing as I stare unwaveringly into his piercing gaze. "When he first

 arrived, you heard the vile lies he uttered about the cruel deeds his father would inflict upon us!"

"He was merely spewing falsehoods! His father cares naught for him, Zachary!" I cannot bear to hear this any longer, but with each attempt to depart, he persistently pleads, his voice softer now, "Zachary," he implores.

"You rescue souls from captivity day in and day out... every bloody day. Can you not... do the same now?" he implores, gripping my shoulders firmly.

I exhale deeply, my gaze falling upon the dew-kissed grass beneath my boots. If, indeed, Benjamin speaks the truth about the prince, then perhaps I ought to set him free... right? I meet Alexios' unwavering eyes once more and give his shoulder a reassuring pat.

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