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The prisoner

"He and I were searching for you together but never mind that...Who is trying to kill him?"They were together? all this time...? I swallow my worries...

"those people in the corner to your left" I whisper...He nods and shortly departs from me...I look around and saw how close Zachary and I were coming! no! I took another woman from a man and we began dancing...Run away! Run away! 

I won't...I refuse! 

But in the heat of the moment, I couldn't see him...I'm safe, I let out a breath of relief...

"He's gone"

" You are referring to me?" My body flinches as I look up to see who I caught...Zachary! devilishly smirking down at me.

"you-you can't they'll see you!"

"I don't care...I want to dance with you"

"They'll kill you!" 

"I know how to fight" His hand slid to my wrist drawing me closer to his broad chest. " So, Shall we dance?" 

"They'll kill you..." I whisper, watching the king eyeing us down from across the room.

"It'll be more suspicious if you avoid me don't you think?" He replies...His breathing swallows under me " Shall we dance, my prince?" I smile, nodding my head...We stop from just pointlessly swagging into an actual dance letting the music predict our movements...It feels as if all the people around us disappear into nothingness...

His eyes glisten with nothing but happiness...from me? me? he's happy from being

My body tingles in delight at the the realization...of his smile...I wrap my arms around his cheek, fully facing him... Strands of his hair swept over his restless eyes, and I gently push them away...staring into the darkness of his eyes...I stood on my tippy toes resting my head on his shoulders...

"I've missed you"I whisper...he took my chin and brings it up to his entering my lips...his tongue slips inside...I close my eyes welcoming his embrace...I was tired of imagining this 

But then...I remember the embrace...I remember...where I was... I broke the kiss and everyone was staring in utter disgust...and that group of people drew their him...and yet he was still smiling...

"Seems like you couldn't control yourself Zachary" The King steps closer and closer...

No! He can't have him! I step in front of Zachary...I'll protect him with my life!

"You didn't have to make him look that delicious" Zachary grins, pulling me behind him...He and the King stare head-on as if two plants colliding. I suddenly felt my shoulder yank behind me...before I could process it there was a dagger held to my throat...Zachary quickly turns to stare at me...His frustration grew as he quickly whip out his sword

"Don't turn your back to me!"The king shouts " I am your king you bow down to me!"  Zachary's eyes focus on the...that was slowly penetrating the outside of my doesn't hurt...even though their blood spewing 

"Either you bow to your king or he dies, even if you do bow he'll die anyways" The king stood behind Zachary... as a shadow nothing more than the shadow of hatred that humanity has...every flaw he has...

Zachary's eyes swell with tears...still mad as hell...

"Your no king of mine" He growls gripping tight to his dagger...The king sigh staring at the man who held me...

"do it-" Suddenly I felt his grip release and something shot across the room...I quickly look behind me and saw an arrow enter the man's head... and everything went to shit...everyone was on guard...there were at least 200-300 hundred people all had their swords...aiming for Zachary.

"Brother!" Rebecca calls pulling my hand and dragging me away from all the intense fighting...pulling me away from my love...Zachary! stay alive! 

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