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The prisoner

"I wager you're worth no less than 10 thousand," Martain declared, his voice rough and filled with a hint of mischief.

My response was swift, a command to leave this uncomfortable situation behind. "I believe it's time for me to depart," I firmly ordered, hoping to break the tension. However, Martain merely responded with a mischievous grin, as if my words were nothing more than a jest.

"And I'll have the pleasure of taking you from behind," he boldly proclaimed, catching me off guard. My gaze involuntarily dropped to his actions, as he began to undo his pants, revealing his intentions.

My warning came forth, laced with a sense of danger and determination. "Lay a finger on me, and your life shall be forfeit," I cautioned, making it clear that I would not tolerate any unwanted advances.

Suddenly, Martin's voice boomed, echoing through the air as he sought permission from Amir, who was astride a majestic horse nearby. "Amir, may I teach him a lesson in humility?" Martin shouted, his eyes fixed on Amir, seeking approval for his proposed retribution.

Amir's response was swift, filled with disdain and concern for my well-being. "I will not allow you to be ensnared by his tricks! You witnessed the torment he subjected Zachary to!" Amir retorted, his voice dripping with anger. It was disheartening to acknowledge that Zachary, in some twisted way, derived pleasure from the ordeal.

"Sir Amir, whither art thou leading us? I was under the impression that our agreement entailed me having possession of him," Martain spoke, his voice laced with frustration.

"Nay, plans have changed... We must make way to the castle. I have a debt to collect from the king, and then thou shalt have thy way with the prince," Amir replied, his tone filled with determination.

The castle... Why must I return there? This maketh no sense... Yet, I care not. All I desire is to be reunited with Zachary! Before I could comprehend it, Martain invaded my personal space, gripping my chin tightly.

"Hear thou, Prince? Thou art now mine. I hold dominion over thee," his breath carried the stench of filth.

"I am not thine to possess, and verily thou dost not possess a toothbrush," I retorted. These words alone earned me a blow to the face, causing me to fall upon my side. I clutched my nose, trying to quell the burning pain.

"I shall teach thee to hold thy tongue when speaking to me," Martain glared. But someone like him shall never control me, never.

I surveyed the interior of the wagon once more. 'Tis mostly constructed of wood, is it not? Well, wood can be broken, if only I act swiftly enough. I eyed Martain as he began to succumb to slumber, his eyes fluttering closed. I seized the opportunity, swiftly rising and rushing towards the wooden door. To my surprise, but also to my aid, I tumbled out onto the dirt road! I quickly

 regained my footing, but not before Martain seized me by my hair, yanking me back down.

"Landon!" That voice! 'Twas none other than him... My head caught a glimpse of his figure... 'Tis been so long since we last laid eyes upon each other... Suddenly, everything faded into blackness.

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