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The prisoner

I doth feel stronger already! Verily, I hath done a few stretches to reawaken my body and prepare to do more until I did hear some whistling,

"Guesseth what?" he said..Amir spoke

"What tidings dost thou bring?" I replied, playing along with his frolic.

"Thy new master is hither," he grinned. "Finally, I shall get paid!"

"I pray thee knowest that once I am free, I shall come for thee," I warned, but my threat did not match Zachary's, who had a way of making it feel like pure hell.

"Thou wilt not be free, for Martain liketh the comely ones. I shall be dead ere that day comes," he quickly latched onto my jaw and opened his mouth, his disgusting tongue soon licking the sides of my face.

I felt like I was about to retch.

We ascended upstairs and saw a scrawny-looking man with white skin, honey-blonde hair, and green eyes

"Art thou the Prince Landon Coleman?" He inquires, his voice echoing through the dimly lit hall.

"Art thou ready to meet thy end?" I tilt my head to the side, my threat seeming to amuse him as he drops his formal demeanor and flashes a smile.

"By whose hands?" He wonders.

"Mine." My voice booms through the hall, causing him to look around frantically. It is Zachary, of course. Martin slowly turns around, perhaps out of fear of what is to come.

As I suspected, it is Zachary. His eyes pierce their way into my heart, causing my body to become hot with adrenaline.

"Zachary, perfect timing! We were just about to make the trade!" Amir takes the initiative to speak up.

"Indeed, about that... I'm calling it off." Zachary's voice is firm and resolute.

"Thou jests!" Martin snaps. "Zachary? Art thou serious?"

"I canst forgive the abduction of wicked folks, but I draw the line at the abduction of innocent souls," declared Zachary, firmly grasping my rope and pulling me out of the dwelling.

"Zach-" I murmured.

"Zachary, thou canst not act like a saint, thee wished to sell him as well! Thou didst tell me!" bellowed Amir from afar, causing me to halt in my tracks.

"Thou desired to sell me!?" I gasped, my voice trembling. However, he did not answer, pulling on my rope and coercing me to move my feet. I could hardly fathom that he wished to trade me!

We soon entered the moist forest, where everything appeared to be something it was not. The twisted trees resembled men gazing down at me... even the beasts seemed to dread it, enough to intensify my yearning for escape.

"I still mean what I said! I shall escape!" I bellow.

"I can no longer trust you, Zachary," I continue, my eyes blazing with fury. "After everything you said...after everything you did...how can I possibly-"

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