soul gone

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The guard

I layeth there for hours, pondering the best method to slay the king. He must needs die...and I shall make certain the son of a cur meets his end.

"Zachary, art thou awake?" came a knock at the door. I turned mine head to gaze upon the wooden barrier, which anon opened to reveal Amir. 'Twas the first time I had seen him since the passing of Alexios.

"I did attempt to warn thee, the prince was set to betray was only a matter of time," he said, with a haughty air. "Martin shall arrive this very day, art thou not thrilled?"

"I was under the impression he would not return for a sennight," I countered, but Amir shook his head, a wide grin upon his face.

"I was able to hasten his arrival. He shall be here anon," he said, his voice full of glee. But I knew the truth - he was the only one who sought to sell the prince.

I care naught for what befalls him now. Every time I lay mine eyes upon him, I am reminded of the king, and I swear upon all I hold dear that once I come face to face with the king, there shall be no protection for him.

"Verily," I groaned, "this news doth be a great burden upon my soul."

Amir frowned, his form perched upon the edge of my bed. "Methinks thou art not optimistic about this information," he spoke.

"How canst thou expect me to be?" I retorted, my voice heavy with grief. "My cousin hath passed."

"'Twas three days ago, friend," he replied callously. "Thou must move on."

"My cousin was thy mate as well," I reminded him, my gaze piercing his grey eyes. "And yet, since his passing, I have not seen thee shed a single tear."

He shrugged, his words cold as ice. "Business is business."

My hand slid beneath a pillow, where I kept a knife at the ready. How dare he reduce my cousin's life to mere business? Alexios had done so much for him - killed for him, cried for him, lied for him - and this was how he repaid his loyalty?

I could feel my irritation rising, and I knew he sensed it too. Hastily, he departed from my presence.

As I lay back against my pillow, staring up at the ceiling, I couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal. In this age of chivalry and honor, how could someone be so callous towards their own kin?

A hushed whisper drew my attention, but it was not what made me sit up. The voice belonged to Alexios, a trusted ally.

"Over here," he beckoned.

I rose from my bed, sliding on my leather boots and woolen jacket. Stepping out onto the balcony, the cold breeze nearly knocked me over. Below lay a dense forest, where I sensed the voice had come from. Without hesitation, I leapt down, landing firmly on my feet.

Thank the heavens my ankles were not weakened.

As I ventured further into the forest, the trees and foliage grew thicker. The only light came from the twinkling stars above. My eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, but my instincts kept me from stumbling into any trees.

I drew closer to the source of the voice. Suddenly, my boot was caught on a protruding tree root, and I stumbled forward, falling flat on my face.

"There is naught to see but darkness, yet I know somethin' doth linger...I can feel it beneath me fingers. I rise, brushin' the dirt from me garb and face, and continue me flight...Until the forest hath spat me out at me destination.

An endless amount of stairs lay afore me, surrounded by a sky of blue and black.

"So clear," I whisper, gazin' upon the field afore me, the grass swayin' akin to the waves of the ocean. In the distance, an aged abode doth stand... Why am I hither?

This place be comely...I cross me arms, allowin' the wind to ruffle me hair.

Hark, Zachary...

Did someone call me name just now? I turn but there be naught...

"Zachary, o'er here."

I glance back at the sky... Tears well within me eyes as a yellow ray of light shines down...takin' the form of a human. In an instant, I recognize the figure afore me... His head turns to me... Alexios' head turns to me.

"If this be the will of fate, then I shall not contest it," spoke Alexios. "I entrust the remainder to thee."

"Until we meet again, fare thee well and keep thyself safe," he added.

"A-Alexios," I reached out to grasp him, to beseech him to stay. But it was all for naught. I had to accept that he was gone, taken away to a realm more beauteous than ours. The golden clouds lifted him up to the heavens."Adieu, Alexios... Adieu," I whispered, lowering my arm as the stairs once again blinded me. 'Tis best that I return; the chill of the air has already set in.

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