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The prisoner

"Seems like you're doing better" That woman...Joan, she told me her name yesterday...she's still soon as she spoke that my body reminded me of how much pain I was in.

"Maybe on the outside" I grunt, staring at her...Why is she still here? has she been watching me all night? " Aren't you married? why aren't you at your own home?"

"This is my home" He corrects " And no, I'm not married" How did I find myself in her house? well I didn't Amir did

"Are you?" slightly tilting her head down

"I'm not married either" Well not yet, yeah...not yet. the thought of that puts a smile on my face " But I do have someone"

"Really? What's her name?" Joan spoke in disbelief, leaning in close...Well, I can't just flat-out say it's a guy.

" Zacharia" I choke.

“Well, what does she look like? is she attractive?" Joan leans in curiously...I'm sure Zacharia it's beautiful... whomever she may be.

"You'll know her once you see her." I sat up even though my body wants to lie down. "Is Amir here?"

"He hadn't come back since he left yesterday" She leans closer to me...where her nose is touching mine...just to huff up the pillow behind me.

"If I leave, would you tell him?"

"Why...? Has he hurt you?"

"He's the cause of this, but ma'am...Joan, Help me" holding her hands "Joan-"

"I'll get groceries okay?" she changes the subject " I'll answer you once I come back okay?"

"I'll look forward to your reply" I express, as she leaves the room... Again, I'm alone...I know Zachary's close, The closer he gets the more our hearts synchronize.  

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