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The prisoner

The resounding thud of the heavy oak door startled me, causing me to flinch. For a moment, I mistook it for the return of Zachary, his entry filled with uncertainty and unease. However, to my relief, it was only Amir who had barged back into the dimly lit chamber.Seeking solace, he drowned his troubles in the depths of a wine goblet, his troubled mind evident in the hardened glint of his eyes. "Three days," he muttered under his breath, his voice dripping with frustration.

Hungry and weary, I pleaded for sustenance. "May I have something to eat? I am famished," I called out, only to be met with Amir's irritable response. Without warning, he flung the empty bottle in my direction, narrowly grazing the wall beside me. I shuddered, realizing the danger that had unfolded too close for comfort.

Curiosity piqued, Zachary stormed into the chamber, his demeanor stern and determined. He approached us, concern etched upon his features. "Amir?" he called out, his voice tinged with worry. But Amir remained unresponsive, lost in his own tumultuous thoughts.

"He... he was acting insolent," I interjected, my voice trembling with both fear and frustration.

 "All I merely expressed was my hunger!" I clarified, hoping to shed light on the situation. Zachary, exasperated, pinched the bridge of his nose, his irritation evident.

"Curses," he groaned, scooping up the discarded wine glasses from the floor. "I shall see to it that you are fed," he assured me, displaying a flicker of kindness amidst the brewing tension.

Amidst the discord, Amir couldn't help but question Zachary's motives. "Zachary, I fail to comprehend why you extend mercy to him, for he will surely betray us," Amir warned him, convinced of my treacherous nature. But Zachary, ever reassuring, placed a comforting hand on Amir's shoulder.

"Fret not, Amir. The lad isn't going anywhere," he comforted him. Zachary knelt before me, a bowl and spoon in hand, an offering of sustenance in the midst of uncertainty.

"Unveil thyself,"he spoke,  I can envision why my intoxicated being would bestow a kiss upon him. He's... magnificent. A moment of thought strikes me - if mine posterior doth not ache, could it imply... his doth?

"Doth thine posterior endure affliction?" I murmur, observing his countenance expand as he swiftly conceals his mouth, nearly relinquishing the bowl... why is he chuckling? He at length exhales and graces me with a smile.

"Thou shalt discern the truth if we had engaged in carnal dalliance, Prince," he whispers, softly enough to elude Amir's hearing... My visage blushes as he directs sustenance into my mouth.Wait, doth this signify that he discerneth of the kiss? Did-did Alexios make him privy?Upon the conclusion of our repast, he escorted me to his chamber wherein he bound me to the headboard once more. He casts a glance my way as he ascends the bed, whilst mine gaze remains affixed upon him whilst he settled in comfortably.

"For what reason dost thou gaze, retire to bed," he commands.

"I reside within the bed," I remind him... His gaze fixes upon me from the periphery.

"Nay, thou dost not," his foot kicks my nether regions off the bed.

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