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The guard.

The night sky once again reveals its celestial splendor, though not as vibrant as it was yesterday. The blame does not lie with the stars, but rather with the clouds that obstruct their brilliance, 

My hand tightly grips the coarse rope, cursing the stars for their lack of vigor. They should have shone brighter!

My first target is Amir; his long braid will serve as a fitting instrument to strangle him. Then, I shall extract from him the whereabouts of Martin, so I can eliminate him and reclaim My prince.An unexpected encounter disrupts my thoughts as I stumble upon a dirt road, its surface disturbed. Dismounting from my steed, I carefully inspect the disturbance


My eyes widen at the sight of blood mingling with the earth. The dirt may obscure it, but I know it to be true.

I touch the crimson stain, bringing my fingers to my nose, inhaling deeply.It is his blood!

This means they have continued on this path, the longest route to the castle. Are they fools? It matters not, for I will surely catch up to them. They will have to halt to rest their weary horses.

"Bind your hands behind your back!" A menacing voice growls from behind, a dagger pressed to my throat.

"Do as I say, or I shall not hesitate to end your life!"

"But thou art hesitating," I said, my gaze fixed upon the bandit from the corner of mine eye. He stood before me, a man of short stature, and I would not be manhandled by one so diminutive. With a firm grip upon the hilt of my blade, I deftly twisted it within my hand, catching him unawares. The knife pierced his stomach, a swift strike before he could comprehend what had befallen him.

In that moment, I recognized his face. It was Ben, a familiar acquaintance from a bygone era. I cared not for his fate as I withdrew the knife from his gut, remounting my steed. My purpose lay in the castle ahead, and I would not be deterred.

"Help," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "I beseech thee, aid me." I had once assisted him before, but I would not do so again, not when he had disappeared without a trace.

"They have taken Landon," he exclaimed, his sobs making it difficult to discern his words. I turned towards the wretched man, dismounting my horse with purpose.

"Thou hast seen him?" I inquired, but his tears drowned out my words. His wound was grievous, and it seemed he would not survive much longer. I retrieved bandages from my saddlebag, carefully wrapping them around his abdomen.

Gradually, his cries subsided, and it appeared he had fallen into a slumber. 'Twas a relief, for I would not have to endure his screams any longer.

As the morning progressed, the sky grew dark and foreboding. The scent of rain permeated the air, a portent of the storm to come.

"I yearn to depart," he grunts, collapsing onto the pewter dishes of the inhabitants. "I express gratitude for your hospitality, but... I must depart! They-they have taken Landon." That's a jest to hear you utter those words. I seized him by his collar, squeezing it until it threatens to rend.

"I rescued you, thus you owe me," I declare. He has naught to retort, yet if he did... I would gladly remove his sutures and allow him to bleed until his last breath.

"Very well, what is it?" He takes a seat upon a wooden chair, applying pressure to his wound.

"Landon, you encountered him, did you not? What occurred? Tell me," I inquire. He appears quite perplexed as to how I am acquainted with the lad, but he understands from my countenance that questioning is ill-advised. Clever lad.

"He- he tumbled out of a wagon unclothed... he attempted to flee until... a fair-haired man began pummeling him until he lost consciousness."

"How long since this transpired?"

"It was midday," he confesses. Blast it all! My fist clenches... I could have overtaken them.

"Pray tell, was there another soul accompanying them?" I inquired, my voice echoing with authority. His gaze began to wander aimlessly, and in response, I delivered a firm series of slaps to his face to rouse him from his stupor.

"I glimpsed an aged gentleman..." he groaned, as I had anticipated. "I must depart immediately..."

"Your cooperation is appreciated, and your debt to me is now absolved," I declared briskly, swiftly exiting the premises. Mounting my trusty steed, I prepared to follow the rugged path ahead.

"Hey, hey! Wait!" Ben stumbled out of the dwelling, as if forcefully expelled by the very walls themselves.

"What is your desire?" I retorted, my patience waning. "I am on the verge of departure."

"You saved my life!" He pointed an accusatory finger in my direction. "Therefore, you are responsible for me," he continued, gesturing towards himself.

"What nonsense!" I countered. "I am also the one who inflicted the wound upon you," I reminded him sharply.

"Besides, you neglected to express gratitude," he mocked, a mischievous grin playing upon his face. I felt my sanity teetering on the edge. "But, on a more serious note, I seek to find Landon. Hence, I shall accompany you."

"Art thou a foe?" I questioned with a skeptical gaze, narrowing my eyes. "Thou art feeble, a burden thou shalt be to me."

"I am not feeble! I can still wield my sword with valor! And two men are mightier than one!" He insisted, his enthusiasm evident as he balled up his fist.

With me, I possess the strength of a thousand men, and it doubles when someone I hold dear is in peril. "Very well, but if thou meetest thy demise, thou shall meetest it alone," I almost reconsidered when I saw him limping, but he swiftly regained his composure as he climbed onto my horse, wrapping one arm around my waist.

Soon, we were galloping away.

"Doth thou knowest that if we persist on this path, we shall never catch up to Landon?" he spoke, voicing his concern.

"Hast thou knowledge of a shortcut?" I gazed at him through the reflection in my eye.

"Not precisely, but there is a village nearby. Mayhap we should halt and allow thy steed to recover fully-""Nay, we shall press on," I shut him down completely. I would not stop, for Amir knew the perils I am capable of unleashing. That is why I must hasten.

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